

Why do people make candy if it so unhealthy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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It tastes good

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Q: Why do people make candy if it so unhealthy?
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yes because it keeps their minds focused on the work and their mouth and taste buds on the candy so no talking. -----Improved----- Any fatty/unhealthy food will do. :P popcorn, chocolate, candy.

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i would assume so.

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spray candy? if so then ya

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Do you mean What kind of candy people like so much?If you mean that, the answer is:Chocolates.

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What happened is this got **** economy adding taxes and people struggling and since they struggle they have candy stores to make the **** $$$ and they say ****I payed for it so should them I didn't get this **** for free so they wont either.

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no, it will only give you a temporary sugar rush

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what candy are you talking about?? Rewrite your question so people understand plz

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