

Why do people make weapons?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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The same reason why you live.
They want to survive.

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Q: Why do people make weapons?
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They didn't. Bronze Age people made weapons out of bronze. Neolithics made weapons out of stone and bone.

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Stone age people made weapons by finding sharp objects to carve things.

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well people used iron to make weapons cause of they needed something to make weapons out of the suddenly a group of people found iron and a use of it. so they needed to be protect so they carved iron and make it there very own weapon. I KNOW THAT I WOULD ;D

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If you mean people who make weapons like they did in the middle,there are many who do this and they sell the weapons/armour that they make.

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How did aboriginals people make Weapons?

With tree wood and leaves

How do people get weapons?

Usually they buy them, like most things. Some people know how to make them and so they make them.