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Q: Why do people near death see and talk to people who have already died?
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Did Leonardo DiCaprio have a near-death experience?

Yes. He had a near death experience. I read that he died in a snowboarding accident but apparently it was just a near death experience. He's alive.

How do near death experiences influence people's beliefs?

Many people have had near death experiences in which they saw heaven or hell. It has a profound effect because of the visions of what life is like after death.

Why were medieval people near a death with punished?

This is syntactical gobbledygook.

When was eminem first near death experience?

When he over dossed on drugs he almost died.

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Saint Francis of Assisi died in 1226 in the Porziuncola chapel, located near Assisi in Italy.

How many days to mourn death of a loved one in the Bible?

The people mourn for a period of 40 days , for a near and dear one after the person has died.

How do the descriptions given by the tavern- knave and the publican personify death in Canterbury tails?

The tavern-knave calls Death a "privy thief" and the publican says that Death probably lives near the village where many people have died. The rioters show how foolish and arrogant they are when they decide to "kill" Death.

Where do people live in the Death Valley?

no one really lives in the Death Valley but if they do it would be near an oasis

How many people have suffered a near death experience?

Too many.

Why can blind people see during near death experiences?

They can't

What does a near death experience include?

Near death.