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Christians need to know about Jesus as their savior, as that is the basis of their religion. Those who follow other religions, or none at all, do not need to know what Christians believe.

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Q: Why do people need to know Jesus as their Savior?
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How do you know Jesus is your Savior?

You need to be a Christian to believe that Jesus is your saviour. It is then a matter of faith.

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Jesus lived a holy, godly and righteous life. He was not in need of a Savior. Gang members life sinful lives and are in need of a Savior, Jesus. Therefore, I can say with confidence "no" Jesus was not a gang member. However, Jesus offers salvation to gang members.

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The Law of Moses was given as a preparation for the coming of Messiah, which we know now is Jesus Christ. The Law was given to show their sin and their need of a Savior.

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The one thing that sends people to hell is that they do not believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Savior. God will change the heart of any person if they believe in Jesus and accept Him. If you are a cross dresser I suspect you have a problem and need the Savior in your life. Pray to God and ask Him to direct you to a life controlled by Him. Salvation is what you need in your life.

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Only those who believe in Jesus' divinity and accept his gift of life will be saved. All have fallen short and need a savior, therefore should accept Jesus' grace and be saved regardless of what others say or do. People need to learn to think for themselves. Whether people believe or not does not alter the truth of who Jesus is and of His great love for all people. Jesus' divinity is central to who he is.

Will tomorow come?

God does not promise us tomorrow. We are not promised our next breath or even if I will finish this sentence. Luckily I did. Because we don't know when our time will be up we need to be ready. How is your future planned out. Do you know Jesus? I do. I know that when I die my soul will go to heaven to live with Jesus for ever. I have accepted him as my savior. Jesus died for us. Because of our sins we are doomed to go to hell. But because Jesus took the payment for our sins, if we accept that and take him as our savior, we are forgiven. Cool! Will tomorrow come. I hope so but if it doesn't, I'm ready.

Who sings You know you need Jesus?

You always need Jesus!!!

How often does people receive Jesus?

Accpeting Yeshua as Master and Savior is only done once. Sometimes peope get lost in daily living and fall away, but they need to RECEIVE Him again, they only need to RENEW their relationship with Him.

Why you need to do celebrate Christmas?

We celebrate Christmas because it is the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

What do christians believe god did for men and women?

Basically, the Christian faith is centered on the fact that we are all sinners and in need of a Savior. That Savior is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came to die for our sins.