

Why is organic food a trend?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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9y ago

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Organic food is not very popular because it is so expensive. People don't realize that it is worth to pay the extra bit of money, because the health benefits are so much greater than non-organic foods. They seem to be getting more and more popular however.

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9y ago

People are eating more organic foods for many reasons: to avoid additives and preservatives in non-organic foods, to avoid genetically modified foods, and because they believe organic foods are healthier.

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9y ago

Most foods are grown with a multitude of toxic chemicals, such as insecticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizer, etc. These chemicals are harmful to the environment and to our health. As more people are learning how harmful conventionally grown food is, more of them start choosing organic products, which are grown without those toxic chemicals.

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10y ago

People would not buy organic food for lots of reasons, but the most common one is that organic foods cost more, often much more, than non-organic food.

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How and when did organic food trend?

Organic food wasn't invented. It was the first type of food there was. What we consider to be "normal" food was the one that was invented. Non-organic food has pesticides, nitrates, hormones, and antibiotics to name a few. All those didn't exist a couple hundred years ago.

Does organic food not last as long as non organic food?

Unless non-organic food contains preservatives, organic food should last as long as non-organic.

How would the international trend towards organic be different from the situation in Australian?

No diffence at all, because Australians are very organic

Why is organic food organic?

Organic food is organic because it was grown without using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, if the organic food is processed, it does not have additives and preservatives that are not organic. It is non-GMO.

What is a comparison between organic food and non organic food in structure and taste and which one is expensive?

Most of the time, organic and non organic food will have the same structure and teste. The organic food will be more expensive.

Why do most people chose not to eat organic food?

Most often, people chose not to eat organic food because organic food costs more than non-organic food.

Can you get diseases by eating organic food?

Yes, just like non-organic food, if organic food becomes contaminated you can get a disease from it.

Does organic food cause autism?

No, organic food does not cause autism.

Why you have non organic food in the supermarkets?

Supermarkets have non-organic food because people buy it and most of the food grown is non-organic.

Why is organic food better than non-organic?

Organic food is better than non-organic because it contains more nutrients.

Why is organic food expensive?

Yes organic food is really expensive because an organic boot beer is 6.00 a can.

How hard is it to grow organic food?

it is really easy to grow organic food.