

Organic Foods

Natural groceries that are free of GMOs, pesticides and artificial preservatives

655 Questions

What are the advantages of permaculture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Permaculture promotes sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices, reduces waste and pollution, increases biodiversity, and enhances soil health. It also encourages community building, self-sufficiency, and resilience in the face of environmental challenges.

What does apple tomato chocolate orange milk have in common?

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Asked by Sergiozambrano

The reasons I'm asking are:

My homeopatic doctor told me when I was young to avoid milk, chocolate, oranges, tomatoes, and apple. I didn't get rid completely of the itching-drying-and-then-painfull blisters until I stopped completely those foods.

Later, I noticed by adding those to my diet, related skin issues (i.e. ate-skin holes filled with liquid which itches when the flesh is eaten, burns when sweating, cracks when liquid dries) appeared in the following locations with different foods.

Milk -> Mouth ulcer

Orange - > Voice, throat

Chocolate -> Finger, digits and sides

Green Onions -> Hand palm, Foot sole. Aggravated by sweating.

Tomato -> Intestins (diverticulosis)

Apple - Bronchi (Asthma symptoms) This aggravated by dust or mold, heavy breathing (e.g. exercise)

Do you know the connection between them and / or natural cure?

Can an apple without seeds be called organic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, an apple without seeds can still be considered organic as long as it is grown using organic farming methods, such as avoiding synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. The absence of seeds does not affect the organic status of the apple.

Why are organic compounds often added to food?

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Asked by Wiki User

Organic compounds are often added to food for various reasons such as enhancing flavor, preserving freshness, improving texture, or increasing nutritional value. Some organic compounds, like vitamins and amino acids, may also be added to fortify the nutritional content of the food.

Which situation indicates a serious organ system malfunction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Symptoms such as severe chest pain, sudden confusion or difficulty speaking, difficulty breathing, severe abdominal pain, or sudden weakness or paralysis can indicate a serious organ system malfunction and should prompt immediate medical attention.

Are epson salts organic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Epsom salts, chemically known as magnesium sulfate, are inorganic compounds. They are produced through a chemical reaction between magnesium oxide and sulfuric acid. While Epsom salts can be used in organic gardening practices, they are not considered organic themselves.

Is it possible for mold or bacteria to grow in an unopened organic snack bar if it was processed properly?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible for mold or bacteria to grow in an unopened organic snack bar, even if it was processed properly. Contamination can occur during storage or due to environmental factors. It's important to follow expiration dates and storage guidelines to prevent growth of mold or bacteria.

Since milk is converted to curd by micro organisms can you consider milk as a living organism?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, milk is not a living organism because it does not have cells, cannot grow, and does not reproduce like living organisms. The fermentation process that turns milk into curd is carried out by live microorganisms, but the milk itself is not considered alive.

Is organic food a viable option for consumers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, organic food can be a viable option for consumers who prioritize sustainability, environmental health, and potentially reduced exposure to pesticides. However, it can be more expensive and may not always be more nutritious than conventionally-grown food. It ultimately depends on individual preferences and values.

What element makes a nutrient organic?

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Asked by Wiki User

An organic nutrient contains carbon atoms in its structure. This distinguishes organic nutrients from inorganic nutrients, which do not contain carbon in their structure. Organisms such as plants and animals require organic nutrients for growth and functioning.

What type of seeds are used in organic food?

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Asked by Akhileshthombare

Organic food is made using seeds that have been produced without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. These seeds are typically non-GMO and may be certified organic. Organic farmers prioritize using sustainable and environmentally-friendly seed varieties to promote biodiversity and reduce reliance on chemicals.

What organisms can you list that don't depend on photosynthetic organisms for their food either directly or indirectly?

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Asked by Wiki User

Organisms that don't depend on photosynthetic organisms for their food include certain deep-sea hydrothermal vent organisms that rely on chemosynthesis, carnivorous animals that feed on other animals, and decomposers such as fungi and bacteria that break down organic matter.

Category of organisms that eat other orginisms for their food?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carnivores are organisms that consume other organisms as their primary food source. This can include animals that hunt and kill their prey, as well as scavengers that feed on already dead animals.

Are proteins organic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, proteins are organic molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur. They are essential for numerous biological functions in living organisms.

What is the organic structure of freshly cut grass?

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Asked by Wiki User

Freshly cut grass is composed of various organic compounds including cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and proteins. These compounds give grass its structural integrity, color, and aroma. When grass is cut, it releases volatile organic compounds that contribute to its distinct smell.

Where do you find organic fungicides?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find organic fungicides at garden centers, nurseries, online stores that specialize in organic gardening products, and even some larger retail stores may carry a selection of organic fungicides. Additionally, you can make your own organic fungicides at home using ingredients like neem oil, baking soda, or diluted hydrogen peroxide.

What does Vitamin B6 do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vitamin B-6 removes a carbon in chemical reactions. This gives it a role as an enzyme in over 100 reactions in the body. Some specific functions are carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, protein metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis, and amino acid conversion/rearrangement.

Why does honey harden?

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Asked by Wiki User

Honey can harden due to the natural process of crystallization, where the glucose in the honey separates from the water content and forms crystals. Factors like temperature, storage conditions, and the types of nectar used by bees can influence the speed and extent of crystallization in honey.

What are some examples of non organic foods?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examples of non-organic foods include conventionally grown fruits and vegetables treated with synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, as well as processed foods containing artificial ingredients and additives. Additionally, meats and dairy products from animals raised with antibiotics and growth hormones are considered non-organic.

Can you freeze organic milk?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can freeze organic milk. It is best to freeze it in a container with some room for expansion to prevent the container from bursting. Thaw the milk in the refrigerator before consuming for the best quality.

Are shells organic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, shells are organic material produced by marine animals such as mollusks. Shells are primarily made of calcium carbonate and are formed by the animal as a protective outer casing.

What are organic nutrients?

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Asked by Wiki User

Organic nutrients are compounds containing carbon that are essential for the growth and development of living organisms. These nutrients can include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals obtained from organic sources such as plants and animals. They play a critical role in supporting various physiological processes and maintaining overall health.

What does 'permaculture' mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Permaculture is a design system that aims to create sustainable human settlements while imitating natural ecosystems. It promotes practices such as organic gardening, renewable energy, and integrated water management to create productive and resilient systems. Its principles focus on working with nature rather than against it to meet human needs.

How much fiber do carrots have?

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Asked by Wiki User

In about 9 small carrotts there are 2 grams of fiber.

Is diacetyl organic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, diacetyl is an organic compound. It is a natural byproduct of fermentation and can be found in various foods like butter, cheese, and beer. However, it can also be synthetically produced for industrial use.