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Owls are one of the most feared species amongst the family of birds. Other birds flocks and poops on the building roofs and walls which are extremely annoying and makes the walls messy. It costs money to maintain the walls and it is impossible to clean it every time. Whenever the flocking birds see the silhouette of an owl they tend to stay away from it to avoid from being the next meal of the predator (owl). This method may not completely avoid the poof of the all birds but surely minimizes a great deal.

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to scare animals away.

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Are owls roamers or do they tend to roost in the same place?

Owls are roamers. they don't always stay in the same place. Your welcome

How are people affecting barn owls?

The people (the stupid masses) stare at barn owls and then the owls fall over and die.

Where do barn owls sleep at night?

Despite the name "Barn owl", barn owls do not sleep in a barn, they sleep in a hollow tree, chimney and old buildings.

Why are burrowing owls endangered from habitat loss?

they are endangered because people keep building over their habitats building homes or office buildings where they have built their home I hope this helps

Why are Barn owl named Bar Owls?

I assume you mean "Why are barn owls named Barn owls?", and if that's the case then I can answer that. Barn owls are called Barn owls because they roost in Barns and churches, and there's already a Church owl.

What kind of nest do owls construct?

none Owls do not construct nests but rather look for a sheltered nesting site or an abandoned nest, in trees, underground burrows, or in buildings, barns and caves.

What are peoples attitude towards owls?

some people are fond of owls.

How is an owls personality?

people are the owls because owls are the symbol of wisdom and only humans have the ability to be wise.

Where do barn owls find food?

They listen for the prey animal. They find them in abandoned buildings, open fields, and gardens.

Why do people put up statues of owls?

Because owls are wise..... I guess..

How do owls protect their young?

owls are quite the defensive birds... much to a bird watchers understanding the way they protect their young may seem strange to people who don't understand owls. A mother owl will push its young out of the tree or other place of resting in order to evade the preditor

Do you like owls?

i like owls very much. people think owls are smart because they have large eyes and see alot, owls can not move there eyes they have to move there heads. that's were people think owls can turn there heads in a 360 degree angle but they can only go up to 190.