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Q: Why do people put a blue pumpkin on their porch steps?
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Difference between Queensland blue pumpkin and butternut pumpkin?

Queensland blue pumpkin is blue and the butternut pumpkin tastes like butter

What do Blue or Red porch lights mean?

I have a pink porch light up for breast cancer awareness after recently losing someone close to me.... Green in November to honor our vets blue when a police officer is murdered to honor our men in blue.... Purple for domestic violence awareness

Does painting porch ceilings sky blue help with insects control?

While there is no scientific research to back it up. MANY people have claimed great success at insect nest control by painting their porch ceiling blue. I'm painting mine Sky Blue, by Eddie Bauer, from Lowe's.

What if you mix pumpkin color with color blue?

Since pumpkin is like orange, and orange and blue are complementary colors, the likely result is brown.

Are there such things as blue pumpkins?

Yes, there is such a thing as a blue pumpkin. Pumpkins can also be yellowish or white. A dull blue is one of the main colors of pumpkins.Look at the Related Link for pumpkin facts:

Why does painting your porch ceiling sky blue keep wasps away?

Possible the affiliation between the blue of the sky and the blue of the ceiling.

What is better to cook a pumpkin pie with a sugar pumpkin or regular pumpkin?

Blue Apron is a better way to cook. Blue Apron sends all the ingredients for inventive yet simple weeknight meals to customers weekly. Guaranteed Fresh, people are getting back into the kitchen and enjoying cooking again! Go Fast : don't forget www

Does blue paint repel?

Yes, it cetainly does. We painted our porch ceiling blue in 1996 and have never has a wasp build there.

Where is the blue blanket on the great pumpkin poptropica?

up my bum

Where is Linus's house on great pumpkin island?

Linus and Lucy live in the blue house. But you will find Linus in the Pumpkin Patch, to the right.

What birds eat pumpkin seeds?

There are a few birds that eat pumpkin seeds. Some of these birds are blue jays, the titmouse, cardinals, and crows.

Use blue and blew in a sentence?

. The porch furniture was blown clear off the porch; the two swings that hung from the porch ceiling of the porch were scattered more than 100 yards away into the vegetable garden near the smoke house