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Carbon dioxide (or CO2) is a key ingredient in most sodas (pops). It's what turns it from a "Kool-Aid" type drink to the bubbly beverage you are used to and where the term carbonated comes from. While I haven't heard of people adding more carbon dioxide to sodas, It could be added to "flat" sodas to bring back the bubbles. You'll also find it in beer, sparkling wine, Pop Rocks, fire extinguishers and more.

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What is the gas produced by soda that causes gagging and coughing specifically Sierra Mist 7-Up and Sprite?

Carbon Dioxide is the gas used to put bubbles in drinks.

How does cars put carbon dioxide into the air?

Burning gasoline releases the carbon dioxide.

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Carbon dioxide can form carbonates when it react with a basic substance

What do you get when you put one carbon and two oxygen?

carbon dioxide

What features of a leaf provides carbon dioxide?

None. Leaves "breathe" in Carbon Dioxide, and put out Oxygen.

What do you use carbon dioxide?

Well I use carbon dioxide in my fire extinguisher. What do you use carbon dioxide, or to put it another way? In what do you use carbon dioxide? Humans breathe out carbon dioxide... Breathing it out is not exactly using it. That would be more like making it.

What do plants put in the air?

carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide why the gas has these uses why?

You can use it to suffocate people and also to put in cartriges to shoot people in CO2 guns.

What gas is produced by burning carbon paper?

Carbon dioxide and water is formed because it mainly contains carbon, oxygen and hydrogen so if we put carbon and oxygen together we get carbon dioxide and when we put oxygen then we have h20 which is water.

What gas will put out flames?

Carbon Dioxide is a non-flammable gas that will extinguish flames.

Do you pass carbon dioxide through the rectum?

No you dont. Carbon dioxide contains 1 part carbon 2parts oxygen. You dont put out oxygen only carbon.

What is the gas put into soft drinks to make the bubbles?

The gas in fizzy drinks is carbon dioxide. When under pressure, carbon dioxide easily dissolves into water. It is a gas without color or odor.