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Q: Why do people put dolls in coffins with the dead people?
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Why were coffins used in ancient civilization?

Putting dead people in. No seriously. They put the mummies of the people that could afford them into coffins. The coffins or sarcofigi (singular sarcofigus) where usually like Russian dolls - fitting one inside another, plated or made of gold. Painted with magic spells to keep the person safe as they journeyed to the afterlife and from Howard Carter!

How was sarcophagus used by Egyptians?

They put the mummified dead into a coffin made of wood (sometimes into several coffins), which were richly decorated, and the coffin (or coffins) was put into a sarcophagus which was made of stone.

What happend to the people that died in ancient Egypt?

they were put in coffins

Where did they put the Romans when they were dead?

They buried them either by cremation or interment, depending on the fashion of the times. The ashes or coffins were taken to a tomb or a mausoleum outside of the city.

What do Egyptians do with the dead?

for their important royal dead they build pyramids with tombs within them and wrap them in bandages, and gauz etc and put them into gold coffins in the tomb. for the non-important they usually just bury them in the middle of the desert.

What did they put in tombs?

Coffins filled with bodies probably

What do they put in the coffins when they die in Ancient Egypt?

they put magic spells inside

What objects were put into an Egyptian tomb?

there were hireogliphics,coffins mummies'

What are put in coffins when a mummy dies?

jewels, gold, rings, necklaces

Where do the put mummies?

Depending on wealth, a series of coffins, then a sarcophagus, then a tomb.

For what did ancient Egyptians use Thyme for?

The Ancient Egyptians used Thyme for embalming. Embalming is used to preserve dead bodies. Thyme is also used as incense and put onto coffins at funerals.

On runescape where do you put the coffins?

If you mean the random event, you have to look at the grave-stones then look inside the coffins to see if they match, if they do, place the coffin inside that gravestone.