

Why do people research whales?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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This question has several answers. Some people research them because they find whales interesting and others because they want to learn more about whales. Bit, people who research whales have their own answers and other people who research whales have different answers. Some people's answers are not so different and other peoples answers are completely different.

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Q: Why do people research whales?
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It depends...are people killing them? No. Could natural causes such as beached whales, fish nets, anchors, and being hit by boats? Yes. In addition, the Japanese kill the whales too.ANSWER:Yes. The Japanese continue to kill whales under the pretense of "research." Then they butcher them and sell the whale meat in Japan.

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Many people believe that JAPAN hunts the most whales.

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Yes, But It Is Against The Law, Unless You Are Doing It For Research.

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