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Anno Domini does not mean "after" the death of Jesus. It is a Latin term that means "The Year of Our Lord." So ostensibly the modern Gregorian calendar has its start date anchored on the birth year of Jesus (although it is generally held that Jesus was born 4-7 years before the 1st year of the Gregorian calendar).

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Q: Why do people say after death of Jesus Christ instead of Anno domini?
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Anno Domini ("year of the lord") is abbreviated with AD. It is the same AD you will see in years such as 2014 AD, which means the 2014th year after Jesus was born. The opposite of this is BC, which is an abbreviation for "Before Christ"

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AD means Anno Domini, which means 'in the year of Our Lord' in Latin.(In Latin, the word 'anno' includes 'in the')A.D. stands for "anno domini," Latin for "year of the Lord." It is theoretically based on the time of the birth of Jesus, though it may be off by a few years.Many people are beginning to use C.E. ("Christian Era") instead of A.D., and also B.C.E ("Before Christian Era") instead of B.C. ("Before Christ").AnswerAD is an acronym for the Latin term anno Domini, meaning the year (anno) of the Lord (Domini). It is now becoming common to use the alternative acronym CE, which means Common Era or Christian Era. Anno Domini (latin) meaning in the year of our lordAD - stands for Anno Domini, which is Latin for in the year of Our Lord - in other words after the birth of Christ.As a chronological designation it was invented by Dionysius Exiguus in 525 A.D. to Christianize the study and presentation of history by orienting every event to the birth of Christ. So events before Christ was born are called B.C. and those after his birth are called A.D.

What does A D mean in catholic Bible?

Anno Domini ("In the year of our Lord"), more completely Anno Domini Nostri Jesu Christi ("In the year of our Lord Jesus Christ"Basically, it shows the number of years it has been since Jesus was born, (or died)that's why BC is counted backwards, it's counting how many years it was before Christ