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There is a biblical myth that says God took a rib from Adam to make Eve 8the first people he was supposed to have created.

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Q: Why do people say women owe men a rib?
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Do men have one les rib bone then women?


What is in quran says about men have one less rib bone than women?

No such verse in Quran.

Do men have one more rib than women?

They don't. Everyone has the same number of ribs.

Why do men and women have different amount of ribs?

A typical human rib cage consists of 24 ribs. This is the same for both men and women. There is a rare condition where there can be an extra rib which is more often found in women then in men.

What rib did God take from Adam to create woman?

During the middle Ages, when the Church insisted on absolute faith in the Bible over scientific inquiry, it was commonly believed that men had one less rib than women. Few surgeons would dare to check, and if they did, they would have kept quiet about it. Now of course, we know that men and women have the same number of ribs.

Do men have more rib bones than women?

No both sexes have 24 ribs (a set of 12). A very small amount of people have 22 or 26 ribs, (en extra set, or a missing set) at birth.

How can anyone state that they made a man and than a woman out of mans rib?

God is God and I'm not. He can do things that seem impossible to us humans. He built Eve around the rib of Adam. If He says He did it, He did it. Don't women have one more rib than men?

Which gender has an extra rib?

Females do not have more bones than males. Men and women both have 206 bones. This idea arises from the idea that God took out Adam's rib so men have fewer ribs.

Why bible says that men have less rib than women?

It says that the rib was taken from the man (Adam) and formed into the woman (Eve). However, this could be a mistranslation, as both men and women have the same number of ribs. It's thought to maybe a mistranslation of the word for penile bone. Men don't have a bone in the penis, but many mammals do. This would both explain the absence of the bone, and also the reason we all have the same number of ribs.

Do men have one less rib than woman?

Both genders have the same number of ribs. In mythology, there is a difference in number because they are created from men.Their ribs where taken from the ribs of men & that is why they are called women (created from man).

How many ribs are in the skeletal system of men and women?

Indigenous Men and women all have 14 pair of ribs.{Native American, Eskimo, Aborigine, etc... etc...} Medical science teaches that all men and women have 14 sets. However to the contrary. I have 13 up one side and 14 up the other. I found this out when I asked my chiropractor if it was true, the "Adams Rib" idea. He said that it was just a bunch of Bible melarky. Then he got out my x-ray and began counting only to find that my rib cage gave compliance to "Adams Rib". Since then I have been observant of peoples rib cages. Women all the same, symetrical and uniform in shape. Men of indigenous descent also are symetrical and uniform in shape. Thus indicating an equal number of ribs per side. Non -indigenous Men have a non-symetrical shape to the rib cage. This is my experience and observation on the subject. Any scientific research on the subject seems incomplete and vague. For this reason I suggest you research it yourself If you care to have an accurate idea.

Can a human body have more than 12 ribs?

Yes an average of 1 in 20 people have an "extra" rib