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Because that's their way to make money, and they don't care about other people's health, they just care about the money!

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Q: Why do people sell drugs rather than selling other products to make money?
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What causes drug wars in Mexico?

1: The people making/selling the drugs 2:The people trying to stop the people making/selling the drugs. The ensuing reaction we term as "Drug Wars"

Why do they keep on selling drugs if you cant have it?

The people selling it are dumb and they are bad, plus they WANT to get caught.

Can you die from selling drugs?

you can if you rip off the wrong people LOL

What is drug trafficing?

Drug trafficing is where you traffic drugs up the bum

Who can stop people from selling drugs on the street?

no one dumby. that's why it's a problem

Why does 7 eleven sell weed magazines selling weed magazine is no different than selling drugs you are profiting off of drug industry and that is wrong do you not agree?

7-Eleven stores typically sell a variety of products based on consumer demand. Selling weed magazines does not equate to selling drugs, as they are centered around information and culture rather than illicit substances. It is important to differentiate between legal activities such as selling magazines and illegal drug trafficking.

4 ways to prevent young people from taking drugs?

stop selling check up at school and

How do you stop the flow of drugs?

you call the police if you suspect anything is out of place. You show them where the people are that are selling the drugs when the police get there. Do not go by their house by yourself. Stay clear!

Who do you call about someone selling drugs?

If it's illegal drugs: the police.

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Why do Mexicans sell drugs?

Practically every ethnicity has an amount of people who sell drugs. It is not an act which is limited to Mexicans. With that in mind, people sell drugs for a variety of reasons: to support their own habit, because selling drugs can be a lucritive, though illegal way to earn an income, etc.