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people shop mostly because of food or clothes. Others shop because they have money

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13y ago

Some people shop because it is a hobby or a way to hang out with friends :]

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Q: Why do people shopping?
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How do people feel about shopping?

I think shopping makes people feel better. For instance, when I'm down and upset I go shopping.

Why do people have a shopping problem?

People have a shopping problem because the love to shop. Their a shop-a-holic. A lot of people have different ways to relieve their stress, and shopping is one way.

Shopping shenzhen or Hong Kong?

THey shop in Hong Kong. Because they in HK, the Taxes are low.

What did the people of England do in their free time?

Go shopping or the cinema grocery shopping baking

Do most people in Spain shop at large shopping malls?

No, the people in Spain don't usually shop in large shopping malls

Project report on online shopping?

The project report on online shopping refers to a study undertaken to establish the number of people shopping online.

Is shopping healthy for you?

yes shopping gives you healthy exercise that all althletic people need.

What is opposite to shopping?

selling or like work cuz you try to sell to other people and they are shopping

Why do people use cart when shopping?

Space ! You can fit more shopping in a cart than you can in a basket !

Can a person with shingles go out shopping?

Yes. you can go out shopping if you are fully clothed and you care about people.

What can people do to help poor people?

Pack shopping bags for them

Is a shopping mall a functional region?

Yes. The shopping mall is a center or point where people around go to shop. The farther away from the shopping mall, the least likely people with shop there and more likely people will go shop somewhere else.