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Alot of people like marine Biology because it is the study of ANIMALS!

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Q: Why do people study marine biology?
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What do you call people who study marine biology?

People who study marine biology are known as marine biologists. They specialize in the study of marine organisms, ecosystems, and environments.

Is marine ecology and marine biology the same?

No, marine ecology is a branch of ecology that studies the interactions and relationships between organisms in marine environments. Marine biology, on the other hand, is a broader field that encompasses the study of all living organisms in marine environments, including their behavior, physiology, and genetics.

What is the meaning of marine biology?

Marine biology is the scientific study of organisms that live in saltwater environments such as oceans, seas, and estuaries. It involves the study of marine life, ecosystems, and their interactions with the environment. Marine biologists may focus on a wide range of topics including conservation, ecology, physiology, behavior, and evolution of marine organisms.

Does Harvard have marine biology classes?

Yes, Harvard University offers marine biology courses through its Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. Students can choose from various courses and research opportunities related to marine biology to study the complex interactions within marine ecosystems.

Can you study marine biology at the university of stellenbosch?

Yes, the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa offers a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in marine biology through its Department of Botany and Zoology. Students can specialize in marine biology through coursework and research opportunities at the university's coastal campus.

Related questions

What do you call people who study marine biology?

People who study marine biology are known as marine biologists. They specialize in the study of marine organisms, ecosystems, and environments.

4. What is marine biology?

Marine biology is the scientific study of the biology of marine life, organisms in the sea.

Is marine biology a science?

Yes, marine biology is a specialized division of biology which is the study of life.

What do you need to study to be a marine biologists?

Marine biology

What is the study of underwater creatures?

The study of underwater creatures is called marine biology. Marine biology focuses on the biology, ecology, and behavior of organisms that live in saltwater environments, such as oceans, seas, and estuaries. Marine biologists study a wide range of organisms, from microscopic plankton to large marine mammals.

What is the study of aquatic animals called?

Marine Biology - a person that studies in this feild is a Marine Biologist

Who Began The Study of Marine Biology?

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What is the study of marine creatures called?

You might be thinking of marine zoology, which is a branch of marine biology. It (marine zoology) deals with the "critters" or creatures or animals in the marine environment. Certainly at the very "end" of the scale of marine creatures are living things that might be either animal or plant in nature. We usually see the more general term marine biologist in use to define someone who works in this area, and then a specialty under that umbrella.

What is the study of marine organisms called?

The study of marine organisms is called as marine Biology. Hope this helps!

Is marine ecology and marine biology the same?

No, marine ecology is a branch of ecology that studies the interactions and relationships between organisms in marine environments. Marine biology, on the other hand, is a broader field that encompasses the study of all living organisms in marine environments, including their behavior, physiology, and genetics.

What did Steinbeck study at Stanford?

Marine Biology

What is the study of aquatic mammal?

Marine biology and include (phycology, invertebate zoology, ichthylogy)