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When you go to sleep, your body goes through 3 stages. 1. Light sleep, 2. Deep sleep. and 3. Dream sleep. Number 3 is where you have all your dreams.

It only takes around 30 minutes to go through the system, that's why people usually have a few dreams each night.

If you wake up in the middle of your dream, you remember it

If you wake up after your dream finished, you forget it.

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Q: Why do people talk in their dreams and don't remember their dream when wake up?
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What does it mean when you dream about family dying 3 Dreams in a row?

Not many people can control what they dream or what happens in their dreams, i know i cant. dont blame yourslef for this

What if you never remember dreams and you dream about a person a few times?

You obviously like them or if you dont maybe u want to find out about them and if you like them dont be afraid to ask them out even if your a girl and you dream of a guy im a guy but i dont see the problem with girls asking guys out at all

Is it bad to not remember dreams?

no mostly u dont remember dreams Many individuals do not remember any of their dreams, so there is nothing "bad" about it. Dreams perform their psychological functions whether remembered or not.

Is it true you cant die in your dreams?

i dont think so It is not true that one cannot dream about dying. It is possible to dream anything the subconscious mind can imagine. It is NOT true that when people die in their sleep, it means that they had a dream of dying. Dreams do not cause death.

What does it mean when you dream of breast feeding a child?

dreams are dreams. somes are true.. dont made it as your faith.. all you have to do is to just forget about it.. its just a dream.

Does everyone dream?

Everyone does dream, but not everyone remembers his or her dreams. Some people can have intense memories of a dream while others remember only a few details, and others may recall nothing at all. While circumstances of how much we remember our dreams may vary, dreams are still essential toward the development of the brain.A dream is defined as a sequence of thoughts, images and emotions that occur in the mind while a person sleeps. Dreams occur mainly during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep, which is one of the two main phases, the other being the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) phase. REM sleep is characterized mainly by the increased eye movement associated with its name, but also involves increased brain activity, accelerated respiration, relaxation of the muscular system and more intense dreams. NREM sleep has four different stages, or levels, during which dreams may or may not occur, and will usually be less intense when they do.Not only does everyone dream, but everyone also has several episodes of dreams every night of sleep. Generally, the ability to recall a dream is tied to whether or not you wake up after having the dream or not. In other words, if you wake during or immediately after a dream occurs, chances are you will remember it and if you sleep through it, you probably will not. Some people can remember their dreams vividly for extended periods of time, and others forget them rather quickly.

What does it mean if your not having dreams?

Everybody dreams during sleep, but the great majority of dreams are forgotten. It is not unusual to feel as if one never dreams at all, but this only means that dreams are not remembered after awakening. It is also possible that some factor could prevent a person from entering the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of deep sleeping that is required to dream. Certain medications can have different side effects with different individuals, and dream disturbances are known to occur. However, actual lack of dreaming for more than a few days could cause both physical and emotional harm.

What does a dream about a rabbit chasing you mean?

Probably nothing people have dreams like that all the time and they dont mean anything. One time I had a dream that i had a man voice. It doesnt mean anything.

What do guys think of a Sagittarius girl?

Everyone Feels The Different About Each People soo Just Go For Your Dreams And Remember Dont Fight =]

Is it normal to have strange dreams?

There is no such thing as a normal dream. Any dream that one remembers or doesn't remember is strange but some dreams are strange in the same way. There are other dreams though that may be on a higher level of "strange". See most dreams come from the extra thoughts we had that day so when all of it is put together it turns out strange, this is normally what happens. But when your dreams are reallistic and have no obscure out of random thing happen and the story line is perfect then this would have to be a higher level of strangeness since most dreams dont happen that way.

What do it mean when you dream money chaseing you?

Nothing really just a funny dream I guess! I've had alot of strange and weird dreams dont be worried everybody dreams about something strange to sometime in their life :)

Can you always dream but not always see your dream?

Yes day to day i see something for the further in my dream