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It is round!

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Q: Why do people think the earth is round?
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What shape did renaissance people think the earth was?

Round. Most people by the time of Columbus did not believe the Earth was flat, despite what some history books will tell you.

When did people know the earth is round?

People have known the earth is round for over 2,000 years and did experiments. very is likely the Egyptians and Moses thought it was round. most people like flat earthers dont know people knew the earth was round before Columbus.

Did Columbus think the earth was round?

He didn't. It was well-known at the time of Columbus that the earth is round.

Evidences that prove the real shape of the earth?

i dont think that the earth is flat .it is round in shape. if we go a journey around the world we will stop in the place we started .I think the earth is round in shape.

What shape did colonial settlers think earth was?


Why did people think Christopher Columbus was wrong when he said the earth was round?

Because the curvature of the earth is so gentle, do to it's size, people couldn't understand how it could be curved as it looks flat.

Who was the person that discovered that the world was round?

This had been known since the ancient Greeks. It is a fable that people didn't know this. Despite the fact we have seen earth from space there are people who think the earth is flat.

Why is a globe round?

THe globe is round because the earth is round. The globe is suppose to be a similar verison of the earth but smaller in size to people can see it.

When did Aristotle think the sun goes round the earth?


Who first announced his belief that the world is round?

Many people think Christopher Columbus was the first person to believe that the Earth was round. Pythagoras however was the first person to actually believe this.

Why did Columbus think that the earth was flat?

He didn't. It was well-known at the time of Columbus that the earth is round.

Who were the first people to the earth was round?

The cave mens