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An old superstition

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However, the superstition of touching wood (or iron) as a counter to evil goes back centuries. There are various thought on the origin.

One says it comes from the touching of wood from Christ's cross as a protective talisman.

Another pre-dates Christianity in that both the wood of the oak and the ash trees were sacred to ancient pagans.

The touching iron comes from the old belief that iron will keep the "fairy folk" away from you, as iron will kill the fae.

There is also the "knock on wood" variation, which was originally done to wake the dryad who lived within the tree (wood).

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Q: Why do people touch wood for luck?
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What does touch wood or knock on wood mean?

Touch or knock on wood is an old superstition based on the belief that spirits resided in trees and plants. You touch wood (some people say knock on wood) to ask for good luck or the spirit's blessings.

Why do you say touch wood?

because in Chinese, it is believed to be able to cut of bad luck after you said it

What is the origin of the idiom 'Knock on wood'?

Probably from sailors who would "touch the (wooden) ship" for good luck. Without a ship to touch, landlocked sailors may have used a piece of wood as a symbolic one.

Why do people knock on wood to bring good luck?

People knocking on wood is a superstitious act. People think that they say something bad and then knock on wood, it will not happen to them.

Why do people say knock on wood?

Because it's good luck.

Where does the saying knock on wood come from and what does it mean?

Back in the past, people used to believe that the gods live in the tree trunks, so by touching them they get blessed.Hope this amendment to this answer from another helpsMeaningThe phrase used by people who rap their knuckles on a piece of wood hoping to stave off bad luck. In the UK the phrase 'touch wood' is used - often jokingly by tapping one's head. The phrases are usually used when one is already experiencing some good fortune and hope that it will continue - e.g. "I've been winning on every race - touch wood".OriginThe derivation may be the association that wood and trees have with good spirits in mythology, or with the Christian cross. It used to be considered good luck to tap trees to let the wood spirits within know you were there. Traditions of this sort still persist in Ireland. See also - the darling buds of May.The British version - touch wood, had an earlier Latin version used when touching wood - absit omen!, meaning 'far be that omen from us'. This dates from at least the early 17th century, when it is quoted by Heywood. It isn't clear when touch wood began to be used. It must have been well-known by 1849, when The Boy's Own Book published the rules of a children's game that derived from the phrase:"This game is sometimes called 'Touch-iron' or 'Touch-wood'; in these cases the players are safe only while they touch iron or wood, as may be previously agreed. They are liable to be touched only when running from one piece of wood or iron to another."Knock on wood - the American version, is known from the early 20th century. For example, The Indianapolis Star, September 1908:

If you touch a dream-catcher is it bad luck?

yes, if you touch a dream catcher at night it is bad luck. i know from personal experience:l

How can you earn the money to buy an iPod touch in one month?

It depends on how much you start out with. Assuming you are going for the least expensive iPod Touch, the best thing to do is to mow people's lawns. If it is winter in your area, then you are almost out of luck. If it is summer in your area, you are in luck.

Is wood sorrel sensitive to touch?


Why a metal feels colder to touch than wood kept in a cold place?

Metal is a thermal conductor and wood is a thermal insulator.when you touch the metal the energy transfer rapidlyto the metal,making it colder.when you touch the wood the energy transfer very slowly from your hand to the wood kept in a cold place.

What is the origin of the phrase 'Knock on wood' or 'Touch wood'?

The exact origin of the phrase "knock on wood" is unknown, however many speculate that is could have come from rituals in early times where trees were considered sacred spirits. Others believe the phrase originated in Ireland. To knock on wood was to alert leprechauns that you were thanking them for giving you good luck. Another popular belief is that by knocking on wood you prevent the devil from hearing what you have just said, which in turn prevents the action from occurring. It is also possible that the origination of the phrase "knock on wood" is derived from Christianity and the wood is a reference to the cross on which Jesus was crucified.The British version of this expression, 'touch wood,' is supposed to have derived from a 17th century practice of warding off bad luck by touching something made of wood while saying 'absit, omen!'Phrase maven Gary Martin (please see link) says it became 'knock on wood' in the United States by the early 20th century.

Give 3 superstition beliefs that you know?

Breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck. Finding a four-leaf clover is considered good luck. Walking under a ladder is believed to bring bad luck.