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Q: Why do people use Concerta to get high?
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Can Concerta make you hyper?

Yes, Concerta is time-released methylphenidate. Methylphenidate is a psychostimulant and will cause hyperactivity in high doses; if you take Concerta for ADHD consult your doctor about your dose, as it may be to high.

Can you use Concerta and cephalexin together?

yes..i was prescribed and am taking celexa, welbutrin, and concerta all together celexa and welbutrin for depression concerta for adhd...

Is Concerta like speed?

Concerta is speed. Speed is the street term for Ampthetamines like adderall, concerta, etc. It all depends on the way it is utilized. Utilize ampthetamines to get you "high" and yes, it is speed.

Can you take citalopram and Concerta together safely?

i use citalopram, welbutrin and concerta all together.. first 2 for depression concerta for adhd so yes its possible.. anymore questions, email me at

How long does Concerta stay in your urine?

if you take concerta and stop and have to take a drug test two days later, will concerta show up at all.

Is the white side of Concerta pill the side that gets u high?

that's a terrible question

Can you gain weight while on Concerta?

You can if you don't watch your food intake after the Concerta/Ritalin wears off. Since it is a stimulant, it usually causes a loss of appetite. After the Concerta/Ritalin wears off, there have been reports of people tending to binge eat.

Can Concerta worsen ADHD symptoms?

Rarely, yes. Concerta can cause changes in mood worsening ADHD symptoms; if mood changes occur discontinue use and consult with your physician.

Why am I so tired after switching from Adderall 30 mg to Concerta 36 mg?

There are many possibilities, but one is that the Concerta dose is two high for you. You should speak to your doctor about this. There are many other reasons you might be tired.

Does Concerta cause low blood pressure?

No; Concerta is methylphenidate which is a stimulant. Concerta should raise blood pressure.

Can you mail Concerta to someone?

can u mail concerta overnight

Will Concerta show up on a hair drug test?

Concerta will show up on a hair drug test if they are testing the hair for methylphenidates. It will show up in urine for up to 7 days after last use.