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Q: Why do people use red checkered cloths for picnics?
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What sports car has a checkered flag and a red flag?

Cheverolet Corvette

Where could you find red and black checkered backbags?

in shops ! do'h !

Why does Santa ware red clothes?

he doesn't coca cola sponsor him so they put red cloths on him he actually wares green cloths.

How many red squares are on a standard checkered board?

i have counted them and there is 62 red squars on a standard checker board

The people with the black cloths and red clouds on naruto are called what?

The Akatsuki. (Translates to "Dawn" or "Daybreak") Hope I was helpful. :) -Kimi-Chan

How can you turn white clothes into red clothes?

by dying it red or put in the wash with lots of other red cloths

What color tie goes with a pink and white checkered shirt and light gray suit and?

Brown or red colored tie will go well with white and white checkered shirt and light gray suit.

How did annes frank diary look like?

It was a red and green checkered autograph book that she used as a diary

Is Friday download live?

No because when aiden was in the cbbc office he was wearing a red checkered shirt and then Friday download came on next and aiden announced it and when Friday down load started he was wearing a blue checkered shirt.