

Why do people want to use marijuana?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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im taking you never tried it

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Q: Why do people want to use marijuana?
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Why people use marijuana?

To get high. Why else?

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Why doesn't the government put a vote for the people on whether marijuana should be legal?

Because they don't want to show the truth. That people actually want to legalize marijuana. They would then feel more compelled to actually do what the people want!

What do you have to put in a bong?

Anything smokeable really... Most people use them for smoking marijuana or tobacco.

How long will it take for marijuana to kill you?

There have been no cases of people dying from marijuana use.

What would be a great opening statement in debate on legalizing marijuana?

Why do you think there are a lot of fatal accidents in U.S.? Why do you think there is a lot of shooting going around? Do you want to know the reasoning? If no I'll tell you any way. It is because of Marijuana. People over use Marijuana and then use it while driving; more Marijuana users are being jailed; and finally but not least people will start getting addicted to smoking.

How do people who used to use drugs feel about it?

I use them, i honestly dont care, its my life not yours. I now just use marijuana im not addicted. I just love being stoned. Marijuana addiction is like being addicted to coffee or sweets. Its a want not a need.

How many people in 2008 use marijuana?

A LOT!!!!

How many people in Georgia use marijuana?

About 6,000

How often was marijuana used daily for relief for Parkinson's?

You can use it as often as you want, if you want relief all day you would use marijuana about once every 2-5 hours depending on your dosage.

Why was not recreational marijuana passed along with medical marijuana?

No need. They could legalize if they want to and know if they don't people will use it that way anyway-many now legally taking advantage of insufficient safeguards with new law

Why do people in Australia use marijuana?

Because they benefit from it in a number of ways. It's for the same reasons that roughly two hundred million (200 million) people around the World also enjoy marijuana (Cannabis). My question is "Why would people in Australia NOT use marijuana?"