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LOL I'm answering my own question right. You're a little right-whoever u are. But the scientific answer is because of the chill-factor People, like myself, wear jackets on windy days because even though the weather is warm then breeze makes a wind chill. Sometimes if it's a big enough gust of wind the jacket keeps the wind from getting in between you and your jacket.

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1d ago

People wear jackets on windy days even when it's warm because wind can make a mild temperature feel cooler by increasing the rate of heat loss from the body. Jackets can help provide an extra layer of protection against the wind, helping to maintain a comfortable body temperature.

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Why do some people wear jackets on windy days even when the tempureture is warm?

The wind blowing over your skin removes body heat. The stronger the wind, the colder you feel. The increase cooling a wind can cause is called the wind-chill factor. Even though it may be fairly warm outside on a windy day the wind-chill factor could make you feel cold. Because of this it would be a good idea to take a jacket.

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March 20-19 of 2010? Most days were mostly cloudy with some rain and wet snow. Some days were warm and sunny. It was quite windy on the 29th.

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Workers in nuclear power plants wear lead jackets to protect themselves from harmful radiation exposure. Lead is a dense material that is effective in absorbing and blocking radiation, reducing the risk of long-term health effects. This protective gear is especially important in areas with higher radiation levels, such as near nuclear reactors.

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Your friend probably has anemophobia. This is the phobia of the wind.