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Because the Earth and all the planets move in orbits round the Sun, while the stars appear to be fixed if we disregard the Earth's daily rotation.

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Q: Why do planets change their position with respect to stars?
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Why does Jupiter change position to the stars?

All the planets (Greek for "wanderer") change position with respect to the stars. The reason is that they orbit the sun, as does the earth.

How can you recognize a planet from the stars?

Planets are in a slightly different position each night with respect to the stars. The word planet is derived from a word meaning wanderer.

Why does the moon stars and planets change position during a night?

Because the Earth is rotating :D

Why do the planets change position at night?

Day and night, the planets constantly orbit the sun. This makes the planetary positions appear to change each night with respect to the background stars from the perspective of earth. So the positions do not change only at night, it is just at night we can see the positions have changed a little bit more.

Why do the positions of the planets change in relation to the background of stars?

They change position against the background of the distant stars because they are much closer to us, and they are orbiting around the sun, as are we.

What does sidereal mean?

Adjective Of or with respect to the stars (i.e., the fixed stars, not the sun or planets).

What do people believe in who think that their lives are affected by the position of the stars and planets?

Some people believe that their lives are affected by the position of the stars and planets. These people put their hopes in astrology.

What is the study of stars and planets called?

the study of stars and planets is colled Astronomy

Do stars orbit planets or planets orbit stars?

Planets orbit stars.

What is hotter planets or stars?

stars, the planets have to get heat from stars

How does the position of stars change one's fate?

They don't.

Can inherited traits be changed by the position at birth of stars and planets?

i dont think so... probably not... :p