

Why do plastics not corrode?

Updated: 9/16/2022
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Plastics doesn't form compounds as oxides with oxygen; but plastics are also affected by oxygen.

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Q: Why do plastics not corrode?
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Why buckets are made of plastics?

They are lighter in weight than metal ones and won't rust or corrode.

Will all things corrode if in the right circumstances?

They will degrade: rot, rust, corrode--some very slowly such as plastics in a landfill. Gold does not degrade, although it might get a thin layer of something that makes it less shiny. Neither does diamond. All organic matter degrades.

How plastics are noncorrosive in nature?

Plastics are noncorrosive in nature because they are made of long-chain polymers that are resistant to chemical reactions. Unlike metals, plastics do not oxidize or react with acids, bases, or other corrosive substances, which helps protect them from corrosion. Additionally, plastics can be designed with additives to enhance their resistance to corrosion in specific environments.

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yes, assets corrode.

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Yes. Some can only corrode soft things, and some can corrode everything. But in short, all acids can corrode something. It only gets dangerous if the acid can corrode you.

What type of gold is most likely to corrode?

Fake gold is the type that is most likely to corrode. Real gold does not corrode.

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No, gypsum does not corrode stainless steel.

What is the syllable of corrode?

There are two syllables in corrode. The syllable breaks are: cor-rode.

Does alloy gold corrode?

Gold alloys doesn't corrode in normal conditions.

Names of three metals which do not corrode?

The three metals that do not corrode are gold, silver and platinum.

Does gold corrode more easily thans silver?

As i rememeber gold do not corrode at all.