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Q: Why do plates move away from mid-ocean ridges?
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What is located in midocean ridges?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is found on the ocean floor in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

What occurs when two tectonics plates move away from each other?

mid-ocean ridges and volcanoes

Divergent plates move from each other This causes to form as well as mid-ocean ridges?

away, rifts

What direction do plates move in relation to ridges?

Depends on the type of plate boundary, at a mid-ocean ridge the plates move away from eachother. Ridges can also occur as a result of plate collision where the top layer of lithosphere is scraped off the subducted slab, this is called an accretionary prism.

What is a force that is causing the plates to move at a midocean ridge?

friction - convection currents in the mantle drag the plates away from the hot rising zone below the ridgegravity - gravity pulls down on the cold dense plate being subducted under the continent, dragging the plate away from the ridge

What happens the age of rock with distance from the mid ocean ridges?

Sorry for this late response,but basically, as the plates move farther away from the mid-ocean ridges, the older it gets..! Hope this helps! ^^

How do earths magnetic pole reversals provide evidence for plate tectonics?

Magnetic stripes can be seen as you move away from ocean ridges.

Sea-floor spreading is a result of?

Seafloor spreading occurs when two tectonic plates move further away from each at mid-ocean ridges. In these ridges new crust is formed through volcanic activity and thus expanding the seafloor.

What happens when earth's plate move?

when the earths plates move we either have earthquakes, tsunamis, and we get ridges and trenches.

Which type of boundary do mid-ocean ridges occur?


What type of boundry is mid ocean ridge?

The main boundary associated with mid-ocean ridges are divergent boundaries, because the plates move away from eachother, or "diverge".

What happens when plates separate from each other?

Ridges, called spreading centers, happen where two plates move away from each other. As the plates separate, molten mantle material (magma/melted rock) flows up to fill the void.