

Why do poison dart frogs eat bugs to get there poison?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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So they can get there poison.

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Q: Why do poison dart frogs eat bugs to get there poison?
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Do poison dart frogs eat poison plants?

no they eat bugs

What type of bugs do poison dart frogs eat?

They eat beetles and crickets also flies

Can snakes eat poison dart frogs?

some types of snakes can eat the poison dart frogs, if they can cope with the poison.

What plant does the poison dart frog get its poison from?

No frogs eat plants. Poison dart frogs get their poison from fire ants.

What do blueberry dart frogs eat?

Blueberry poison dart frogs, like most frogs, eat small insects. Just like strawberry poison dart frogs, they get their name from their bright colors.

What eats dyeing poison dart frogs?

Poison dart frogs have a powerful neurotoxin. Therefor, no animals will eat them whether they are dead or alive. Instead, poison dart frogs are consumed by bacteria and fungi who are decomposers.

What does strawberry poison dart frog eat?

Strawberry poison dart frogs eat ants, beetles, centipedes, and mites.

What do strawberry poison dart frogs eat?


Are all frogs safe to eat?

No, there are some poisonous frogs such as poison dart frogs.

What eat poisonous dart frogs?

They eat small bugs, like termites and ants. To catch them they use their long tounge.Toxic bugs and small invertebrates that are found in trees and leaf litter (fruit flies, ants, termites, etc.

How do poison dart frog kill their prey?

They eat small bugs, their bright colour indicates to larger animals that they are poisonous which is the frogs defence

How can the pitohui and the strawberry poison-dart frog produce the same poison?

Last pointless answered that it was because "God made it that way", it is really because poison dart frogs get their poison from the bugs they eat.There for, they eat the same bugs. God might have "made them live with each other", but hardly that he "made" them that way.