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Ok soda pop explodes in the freezer due to 2 symbiotic factors:

1) soda pop is made from around 98% water and water has a special characterstic in that it will expand when cooled most other compounds contract when cooled and changing state to a solid it becomes less dense (opposite of most other compounds) that's why ice floats in water.

2) the CO2 (fizz) added to soda pop is super saturated so when it is frozen the CO2 and other dissolved substances are excluded from the ice that forms forcing it to require more space in the can or bottle causing severe structural damage to the container.

That's why soda pop containers explode in the freezer but only when ice begins to form.

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13y ago

(to put it in simple terms)The pop has liquid in it and that liquid slowly freezes and forms together forming slush.

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