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Q: Why do primroses plants grow in the winter?
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Why dont plants grow in the winter?

Some plants grow in winter. But most plants adaptations are to live in warm weather. Why? That's just so.

What kind of noun is primroses?

The noun 'primroses' is a plural, common, concrete noun; a word for plants that bear flowers; a word for things.

What season of the year do plants grow most slowly?


Can you grow any plants in the winter?

i've had some luck keeping kale growing all winter.

What plants grow in winter?

Generally, coniferous trees grow in the winter. It is also the growing season for citrus, hearty leafy greens, squash, and root vegetables.

What effect does winter have on plants in Costa Rica?

They grow faster,because it is rainier.

Why do plant grow more in the summer than the winter?

In the summer plants recieve more direct sunlight then in the winter becuase of the tilt of the Earth on its access. Therefore causing faster photosynthesis to occur making the plants grow.

Are primroses the same as primula?

Primroses are members of the Primula family.

Why are greenhouse designed?

they are built to grow plants and keep them warm in winter and cool in summer.

Do plants grow in winter?

depends on which plant and how cold it is but generaly speaking-yes they can but not all do.

Do plants grow slower in the winter?

Yes, their growth slows down because of cooler temperatures and shorter days and exposure to sunlight.

Where is winter garden?

You grow a winter garden, or plants suited to cold weather, in the same garden where you grow plants during the rest of the year. The difference is in the plant varieties you choose. Beets, broccoli, carrots, kale, peas, lettuce and spinach are some of the best for fall and winter growing.