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Q: Why do prisms and raindrops make rainbows?
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How do get rainbows?

The sun makes rainbows when white sunlight passes through rain drops. The raindrops act like tiny prisms. They bend the different colors in white light, so the light spreads out into a band of colors that can be reflected back to you as a rainbow.

What are rainbows?

Rainbows are a light spectrum caused by sunlight refracting through raindrops.

When and how do you get rainbows formed?

Rainbows are made by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays as they fall on raindrops.

Why do you see different colours in a rainbow?

Rainbows occur when you see sunlight shining through a rainstorm. The curtain of raindrops act like millions of tiny prisms, which break light into it's component colors - a rainbow.

How do rainbows get their color?

light refraction etc from the raindrops

What is a good sentence for prism?

She hung prisms in the window, so that sunlight would make rainbows appear on her walls.

What makes the color of rainbows?

light refracted by raindrops appear to be different colours

How does the sun affect rainfall?

The sun rays reflect on the raindrops which cause rainbows.

Why are there not usually rainbows on overcast days?

Rainbows require sunlight to hit - and be refracted by - the raindrops. There is less likely to be sunlight on an overcast day.

Why don't you see rainbows when the weather is dry?

Rainbows are created by water droplets in the air acting as prisms. If it's dry, there are no water droplets in the air, and no rainbows.

Why is a rainbow sometimes seen when light passes through raindrops or prisms?

The light is refracted

What really is a rainbow?

Rainbows are arcs of spectral colors created when white light is separated into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet light. This occurs when the light is filtered through a prism. Raindrops and mist act as prisms for sunlight and created what we call rainbows in the sky. Note a prism caused "refraction" and that is the term that makes the rainbow a rainbow!