

Why do rabbits can smell well?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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because they have noses

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Q: Why do rabbits can smell well?
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Rabbits can smell well to help them?

Yes, smell helps the rabbit to smell if something is safe or not. Also in the wild they use there sense of smell to track predators and see where they have been.

Can male rabbits smell female rabbits when they are in heat from far away?

Rabbits don't go into heat.

What is a pet rabbits best senses?

is their smell my dog can smell so good that it can find a rat 90 miles away

What smells do rabbits dislike?

the smell of carrots :D

Do rabbits have good smell?

no, they small kinda bad.

How far can a rabbit smell?

If there are many rabbits living in filthy conditions, the smell can reach very far -- on a windy day, you could smell it from many houses away. However, if rabbits are kept in clean habitats, they won't smell very much at all.

Can rabbits smell?

A rabbit needs a good sense of smell to live well and to have a long life. It needs to smell and run from a predator (enemy) before that predator eats the rabbit for lunch. The rabbit needs to smell other rabbits nearby that it may want to mate with in order to not become extinct. And it needs to smell for food like the yummy vegetables in my garden. Rabbits with a poor sense of smell may not notice a predator approaching, may not find a mate for reproduction of the species, and may not be able to locate the most nutritious food to keep itself healthy. The rabbits that have a good sense of smell will be better at escaping a predator's attack, finding a mate, and locating food. Rabbits with good sniffers will outnumber rabbits that are sniff-challenged!!

What smells more male or female bunny?

female rabbits have more of a hormone charge especially if they have not been spayed. she will also have a season, this can be noticeable if she suddenly smells alot stronger or different (usually an unpleasant smell) she may have an unusual dirty bottom as well. male rabbits will only smell when old or have a dirty bottom

How do you remove your rabbits' scent glands?

You can't. If your rabbits smell, take them to visit a vet. Their smell should be hardly detectable. If they smell, they may be sick. Or maybe you need to clean their habitat more often. If you smell something unpleasant, it is more than likely a buck (male rabbit) spraying. That scent is powerful. Your rabbits will smell less if you alter them (neuter/spay; this is only one of many reasons why you should neuter/spay your rabbit). See the links/questions below for more info.

What do baby rabbits smell of?

Baby rabbits are naturally odourless. The reason for this is that predators like foxes cannot track them down- it's to protect themselves.

Is there a stronger urine smell in female rabbits than male rabbits?

yes it is I've always wondered that so i tested it

How far away can a rabbit smell?

Well it really depends mostly on how much you care for it/them. The main source of smell is in the hutch or cage, that is why you should clean out your guinea pigs a minimum of three times a week. Obviously all animals can smell whilst doing the toilet but my two male guinea pigs don't give off many bad smells. Hope this helped a bit