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Rabbits lick their feet for their cleanliness. They do this to get dirt and materials that may be stuck to their feet. They use their tongues, which are rough, to get them off their feet.

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it is there way of showing affection

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Q: Why do rabbits scratch at your feet playing at times?
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Are pet rabbits feet black from below?

is it that pet rabbits feet are black from below i have white rabbits and there feet are yellow :P

Animal that thumps feet to warn others?

Rabbits thump their feet to warn other rabbits of danger. Rabbits also sometimes thump their feet in anger or frustration.

What rhymes with rabbits feet?

Many words that rhyme with feet rhyme with rabbits feet you just need to change the words slightly. One example of this is feet and complete rhyme so change complete to incomplete and it rhymes with rabbits feet!

What are the size of rabbits?

Rabbits can be 9 inches to 2 feet.

How many feet do rabbits have?

Like most other animals, rabbits/bunnies have 4 feet (paws).

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What do parrots do with feet?

They hold their food with their feet, climb with their feet, scratch themselves with their feet, sit on their feet. ??

Why do rabbits run round your feet?

Many rabbits suffer from a condition called olfactory hypersensitivity. This condition in turn makes rabbits appear shy. Consequently, rabbits fear and avoid feet whenever possible.

How do rabbits protect?

with there claws and teeth, the female rabbit will use there teeth and bite down very hard on its foes. They are more likely to use their very strong and huge back feet to scratch and rip at their foes.

What's rabbits feet for?

Rabbits feet are for hopping on, in other words, transportating itself around. Also his/her feet are for digging, scratching themselves, and fighting. Emma

Can rabbits grow back feet?


What does it mean when rabbits thump their feet?

It means that the rabbit is scared. Try obsevering what you do to make it scared. Some times my rabbit is scared to come out of her hutch, so I leave her alone for 5 minutes. You should also get into a schedule, rabbits then get excited when you pull out the fresh food! Not that, but if you start playing with a tennisball when it is little the rabbit will like it when he/ she gets older!