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Rainforests have an abundance of plants and animals for the following reasons:

  • Climate: because rainforests are located in tropical regions, they receive a lot of sunlight. The sunlight is converted to energy by plants through the process of photosynthesis. Since there is a lot of sunlight, there is a lot of energy in the rainforest. This energy is stored in plant vegetation, which is eaten by animals. The abundance of energy supports an abundance of plant and animal species.
  • the canopy structure of the rainforest provides an abundance of places for plants to grow and animals to live. The canopy offers sources of food, shelter, and hiding places, providing for interaction between different species. For example, there are plants in the canopy called bromeliads that store water in their leaves. Frogs and other animals use these pockets of water for hunting and laying their eggs.
It is important to note that many species in the rainforest, especially insects and fungi, have not even been discovered yet by scientists. Every year new species of mammals, birds, frogs, and reptiles are found in rainforests.
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Q: Why do rainforest have so many plants and animals?
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Why is the rainforest so important to people?

people depend on all the plants and animals living there to stay alive

Possitive impacts humans have on the Daintree Rainforest?

Human Impacts on the DaintreeRainforestONCE RUINED, THERE IS NOT REALLY ANYWAY TO REBUILD A RAINFOREST.The Daintree Rainforest is one of the most pristine places on earth, and still there are many bad impacts to the rainforest. Most of these impacts are by humans.One of these human impacts is that many people want to destroy the rainforest for farms since the soil is very nutritious. But even if it was destroyed, the soil would only be good for a year or two because the nutrients in the soil are there from the rainforest plants. This is why it is so hard to rebuild a rainforest because many of the plants normally in a rainforest will no longer be able to root in the place where the rainforest formerly was. If there are no plants, there will be no animals either.Other Human threats include: Mining, which destroys the rainforest to get minerals from under it; Logging, obviously cutting down trees will greatly damage a rainforest; Tourism, there are hundreds of thousands of people who visit the rainforest each year, which means cars and busses in the rainforest disturbing animals and destroying habitats; and also Development, which covers everything from subdivision of land to building roads and fences which disturb and uproot rainforest habitats.

Why do plants grow so quickly in the Amazon rainforest?

they grow quickly because of the need for sunlight, that is why there are so many tall trees in the rainforest because they all want to reach the sun, the plants and trees are specially adapted to livng in the rainforest, and thy have butress roots to support them hile they grow.

What are some benefits that forests provide for people and for the environment?

Forests provide homes and food sorces for many organisms and is able to suport a diversity of organisms. (Ex. Tropical Rainforest.) And with so many plants the output of oxygen from photosynthesis from every plant in the rainforest also supports human life.

What makes a rainforest a rainforest?

the biome makes a rainforest a rainforest. (a biome is the climate, animal life and plant life)take the word and break it into two. a forest is a land with lots of trees and plants and sometimes animals. so put rain back into it and it's a forest that has lots of rain because of the location and/or climateAnimals and trees and all the nature around it makes up a RAINFOREST.

Related questions

Why does Amazon rainforest have so many different plants and animals?

The Amazon rainforest has a high level of biodiversity due to its complex and varied ecosystem, abundant rainfall and sunlight, and diverse array of habitats. This combination of factors allows a wide range of plants and animals to coexist and thrive in the region.

How many plants and animals are in the rainforest's?

well their isn't an exact answer because more and more plants grow in the times, and the animals have sex and have babies so their isn't and exact answer.

Why is important to have animals in the rainforest?

well its an environment now figure out the rest

Why are many rainforest plants sources of medicines?

Because there are so many different plant and animals in the rainforest that have not been discovered yet. Since they aren't yet discovered we don't know what diseases or infections or cancers it can cure!

Why does rainforest have animals?

rain forests have animals because there are no droughts, and the plants grow more so most animals have something to eat. and the more animals that are attracted to plants there are gonna be more animals attracted to the animals that eat the plants. so more animals come to the rain forest and therefore there are animals there. its the cycle of life.

Why is the rainforest so important to people?

people depend on all the plants and animals living there to stay alive

Which rainforest is home to the greatest variety of plants and animals on earth?

The largest rainforest on the planet is the Amazon Rainforest. Therefore, it contains the largest variety or fauna and flora of any rainforest on planet earth. It is believed to have so many species of monkeys living in it, that scientists believe that there are more to be discovered!

What is the important uses of the Amazon rainforest?

For one thing, the diversity of wildlife and plants in the area is greater than many other places on earth, and many of those plants and animals have been found nowhere else on earth, so if their habitat is destroyed, we will lose those plants and animals forever. later

What are the impacts on the daintree rainforest?

Human Impacts on the DaintreeRainforestThe Daintree Rainforest is one of the most diverse place on earth, and still there are many bad impacts to the rainforest. One of these human impacts is that many people want to destroy the rainforest for farms since the oil is very nutritious. But even if it was destroyed, the soil would only be good for a year or two because the nutrients in the soil are there from the rainforest plants. This is why it is so hard to rebuild a rainforest because many of the plants normally in a rainforest will no longer be able to root in the place where the rainforest formerly was. If there are no plants, there will be no animals either, and the plants are dependant upon the animals to distribute their seeds. So basically, once ruined, there is not really anyway to rebuild a rainforest.Other Human threats include: Mining, which destroys the rainforest to get minerals from under it; Logging, obviously cutting down trees will greatly damage a rainforest; Tourism, there are hundreds of thousands of people who visit the rainforest each year, which means cars and busses in the rainforest disturbing animals and destroying habitats; and also Development, which covers everything from subdivision of land to building roads and fences which disturb and uproot rainforest habitats

Why is the Amazon rainforest important to the medical field?

The Amazon Rainforest is important to the Medical Field because there are many plants in the rainforest that can cure illnesses, so scientists go looking for those plants.

Many animals depend on plants for?

Many animals depend on plants. Most animals just eat them, but some animals will you plants as shelter, to hide from predators, and many other reasons.

Why do animals in the rainforest lose their homes?

Animals loose their homes in the rainforest because most trees(which are being cut down) are home to many animals. So, they loose thier homes and sometimes die.