

Why do rats smell?

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12y ago

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Because people do not clean their cages out right.

Feral rats smell because they eat trash.

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Q: Why do rats smell?
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if they go to the restroom. If you do have rats call the exterminator.

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How good is a rats smell?

Very good. I think it's either better or the same as a dogs! I have rats and whenever I leave a little treat 4 them on the floor they instantly smell it and run to it! <3 Hope that helped! From, a rodent lover.

Why do rats smell so bad when their wet?


Why do rats smell bad?

They dn't exactly smelll. You accually can smell them if you get close though. And they smell bad because they are dirty!

Why do mice and rats favor dog food?

Some rats and mice just like the taste or smell of it. :)

What smell rats can't stand?

becuse they have weak legs!

Are rats attractive to ferrets smell?

Actually since ferrets are natural rodent exterminators, their scent will actually repel rats.

Does a rats fur smell like grape soda?

Not at all. They smell like their bedding material and a littly musky.

Are rats able to smell?

Rats can definitely smell! That's how they find there foods, such as maybe foods that people give up to the trash. They will sniff their intelligent little selves to the target, other none as, "Food."

What do rats hate to smell?

Mice smell much more than rats. They smell if you don't clean their cage every few days! The animals themselves don't usually smell as they clean themselves. Also, you shouldn't do this to mice, but you can give rats bathes, but you can only give them one about once every month. Pet Stores also sell spray that you can apply to mice and/or rats that will help the smell.The oil in their fur will come off if you do.