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Q: Why do representative elements tend to form bonds giving them a total of 8 valence electrons?
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How many valence electrons are present in a chloride ion?

A chloride ion has 18 electrons, giving it a valence of -1.

What is cobalt's number of valence electrons?

There are ONLY 2 valence electrons in Co, valence electrons come only from the s orbital and the p orbital, giving only 2 for Cobalt.

Why does sodium form a 1 plus ion and magnesium 2 plus ion?

This is due to the difference between the two elements regarding their valence electrons as neutral elements. Sodium has a single electron in its valence shell, which it gives up to have a stable octet; by giving up one electron, sodium acquires a 1+ charge. Magnesium has two electrons in its valence shell that it will give up to have a stable octet; by giving up two electrons, magnesium acquires a 2+ charge.

Why are fluorine elements more similar to bromine than neon?

The chemical properties of an element are largely determined by the number of valence or outer shell electrons it has. In general, elements will react to obtain a stable octet, meaning 8 valence electrons. Neon already has 8 electrons and so is largely chemically inert. Fluorine and Bromine each have 7 valence electrons, giving them somewhat similar chemical properties. Both are highly reactive.

How many valence electrons are present in a fluoride ion?

Fluorine has 7 valence electrons, however, Fluoride (F-) is an anion with a negative charge, giving it one more electron, bumping the number of valence electrons to 8.

What is Number of valence electrons of cobalt?

There are ONLY 2 valence electrons in Co, valence electrons come only from the s orbital and the p orbital, giving only 2 for Cobalt.

What is the valence of selenium if has six valence electrons?

Two- Since it has six valence electrons, it can form two covalent bonds, making the valence two. If it is easier to think about it this way, eight valence electrons would stabilize the element. Eight minus six is two, giving us the same answer as before.

How many valence elec does rn have?

Radon, being a noble gas, has 8 valence electrons, giving it a stable octet.

What is the compound formed between Ba and S?

Ba is a group 2 elements with 2 valence electrons. S is a group 16 element (or oxygen family) and has 6 valence electrons. Ba gives 2 of it's valence electrons to S giving both atoms an octet. They combine in an ionic compound in 1:1 proportions. The formula is BaS and it's called barium sulphate

How many valence electrons does selenium (Se) have?

6. Valence electrons are the electrons in the s and p orbitals. Keeping this in mind, Se has the 4s orbitals filled (2 electrons) and has 4 electrons filled in the 4p orbital (4p4). 2+4 = 6.

Do atoms giving up valence electrons indicate that an ionic bond is present?

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How do magnesium ions get there charge?

Magnesium ions get their charges by giving away the valence electrons to other atoms.