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Rivers can and do dry up.

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15y ago

Some rivers do dry-up

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Q: Why do rivers never dry up?
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Rivers do this during a drought?

dry up

What do droughts do to rivers?

if its really bad, dry them up.

What is rivers or streams that dry up for part of the year?


What river never dries up?

There are many rivers that never dry up. In American the Mississippi, Columbia, and Colorada run year round. The Amazon, Yellow, Yangze and Nile also are constant and have been for thousands of years. Of course this excludes and tributaries or smaller offshutes of these waterways. The main rivers themselves always flow.

How do floods end?

a floods ends by when it stops raining and the rivers dry up

What do rivers do during droughts?

They will dry up because of the lack of water in that area the river is in.

How do you identify a non perennial rivers?

It tends to dry-up through the lack of rain

Why do African rivers high seasonal variations?

Most of Africa experiences a wet season and a dry season each year. During the wet season, a lot of rain falls, causing rivers to fill up or even flood. Then, during the dry season, the rivers drain the water that fell during the wet season, and many creeks and even some rivers dry up completely before the rainy season returns.

What rivers do not reach a sea?

The Rio Grande and other rivers dry up before reaching the sea because humans take so much water from them. Some rivers may also dry up naturally, or drain into a salt lake with no ocean connection.

What are disadvantiges of rivers?

They flood, dry up, get polluted, get covered up( LA has a river under all the concrete), diverted and damed up.

What if there was not enough water in rivers?

The water cycle would stop and the oceans would start to dry up.

Where do all rivers drain out too?

All rivers drain into oceans.Although, due to humans drawing huge amounts of water for our cities, some rivers dry up before they reach the see nowadays.