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It is not the satellite dish that displays that it cannot receive a signal; the dish simply receives the signal. The converter box that is located near your television converts the signal (usually encrypted to prevent pirating) and displays such messages when it does not get enough signal strength from the dish to display the given station(s). If you see that message for an extended period of time, and the weather is generally good (i.e., no heavy clouds or storms), then you should call your dish company for help.

Before doing so, take a look at the check list below which may help to fix the problem or to diagnose it.

Sometimes, just turning the converter box off, waiting a minute or two, then turning it on may improve or restore the signal.

If your satellite system used to work but you started getting that message

more and more often and on multiple channels, then the most common causes are:

-- The hardware that mounts the dish to the roof loosened up over time,

and a few minutes of strong wind pointed the dish off in a new direction.

Maybe not even enough to see the difference, but enough so that it's

no longer pointed close enough to the satellite to receive a good signal.

It doesn't take a large move.

-- A branch of a nearby tree grew into the line of sight between your dish

and the satellite it's trying to hear.

-- One of the cable connectors at the dish was not adequately taped or

gooped when it was installed, and after some months out in the rain and

snow, the connection became rusty or corroded, and a big part of the signal

is being lost right there at the connection.

-- Snow, ice, mud, water, or leaves have collected either in the dish, or else on the small face of the receiver that sits out at the end of the arm and points backwards into the dish. (I have even seen one case where birds pecked holes in that 'feed aperture', and the rain blew inside, and another one where a small hole developed in it somehow, whereupon bees moved in to raise their baby beelets in there.)

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1) severed cable line

2) bad LNB

3) bad splitter,seperator or diplexor

4) bad onnecdtion to the receiver box

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Q: Why do satellite dishes display 'not receiving signal'?
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