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Technically parabolic dishes like satellite dishes can be use as radio telescope but as the gain of signal is very weak on radio astronomy relative to satellite signal then you need to have bigger surface area or bigger dish.

The minimum suggested size for use as radio telescope is 3 meter like RTP30 radio telescope from POAM Electronics company. ( for more information look at poam electronics website).

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Q: What kind of dishes do radio telescopes use?
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What is the difference between optical and radio?

Optical telescopes use either lens' (refractory) or mirrors (reflective) to magnify light. Radio telescopes use dishes to pick up radio waves. sensors on the dishes collect the waves and turn them into a picture

What kind of telescopes do radio telescopes use?

Radio telescopes are basically specially designed antennas. They don't "see" anything. They "hear".

What is the difference between radio nd optical telescopes?

Optical telescopes use either lens' (refractory) or mirrors (reflective) to magnify light. Radio telescopes use dishes to pick up radio waves. sensors on the dishes collect the waves and turn them into a picture

In what ways are radio telescopes better than optical telescopes?

Both types of telescope collect and focus electromagnetic radiation for observational purposes, the difference is their band of observed frequencies. Radio telescopes are used for the radio frequencies ( ~3km - ~30cm) while optical telescopes are used for frequencies closer to visible light ( ~0.7μm - ~0.4μm). Optical telescopes may also be able to detect infrared and ultraviolet light.

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Researchers use all of these: -- optical telescopes -- radio telescopes -- x-ray telescopes -- infra-red telescopes -- ultraviolet telescopes

What items do they use in space that they use on earth?

Optical and Radio telescopes.

What do scientists use to study radio waves traveling through space?

Radio telescopes.

How do optical radio telescopes operate?

As far as I know, there is no "optical radio telescope". There are, separately, optical telescopes (which work with visible light), and radio telescopes (which work with radio waves).

A device used to detect radio waves from space?

they use radio waves to pick up some what satellite images or existance of things in space

What portion of the electromagnetic spectrum do radio telescope use?

The radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum uses radio telescopes.

Why do you use only two types of telescopes here on earth optical or radio telescopes?

Radiation other than light and radio waves hardly penetrates Earth's atmosphere.

What type of telescope does not use optics?

Telescopes can be made to see in almost any part of the electromagnetic spectrum: visible light, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, or radio waves. The largest telescopes are those for radio waves - in Arecibo there is one with a diameter of 300 meters. I am not sure whether it is the largest, though.