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Scientists tag Monarch Butterflies so that they can track their travels. This is extremely important in understanding their living habits.

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To find out the migratory patterns

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Q: Why do scietists tag monarch butterflies during the annual migration?
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What insect has the longest annual migration traveling from Canada to Mexico?

Millions of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) qualify as such.

Use migration in a sentence?

The monarch butterflies undergo annual migration from Canada to Mexico to escape the cold winter temperatures.

What is special about monarch butterflies?

Well, for one they are beautiful insects and they help pollinate our flowers. They are not better than other butterflies they are just more commonly known. ---- One of the unique features of the monarch butterfly is its annual migration pattern. Millions of monarch butterflies travel an estimated 4,800 km to winter in California and Mexico.

What kind of butterflies live in Indiana?

Monarchs are very common, espeically during their annual migration.

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The Lawn Tennis Association offers an annual competition for recreational and tennis players who aspire to be professionals to compete and potentially get recognised. The UK butterflies website also has an annual photography competition for photographing butterflies.

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When birds fly South for the winter it is called migration.

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the southern ocean during their annual migration for feeding.

What does annual rate means?

The answer depends on what rate you're referring to. Precipitation? Birth? Death? Bird Migration? What?

The seasonal movement of animals from one region to anither?

It is known as migration. The migration of Wildebeest (for instance) is an annual Africa event. Basically, it is to leave behind land that has been overgrazed, with little grazing left, and to migrate to fresher pastures, often following annual rainy seasons.

Can you give example of each migration and adaptation?

Migration: The annual migration of wildebeests in Africa, where they travel hundreds of miles in search of water and food. Adaptation: The polar bear's thick fur and layer of blubber that help it stay warm in freezing temperatures.

Do parrots fly in packs?

I'm not sure if all types of butterflies travel in packs, but Monarchs do. Every fall for a few days a large group congregates on several particular trees on my parent's farm. Apparantly they're on their way to a spot in Mexico.

How many species are in the Zinnia flower genus?

There are twenty species of perennial and annual plants in the zinnia flower genus. Gardner's tend to like the zinnia's because they attract butterflies.