

Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies are a species of milkweed butterfly native to North America, although they can also be found in New Zealand, Australia and the Canary Islands just to name a few. These butterflies are famous for their annual fall migration to warmer climates and the massive gatherings of butterflies these migrations cause. Beautiful but toxic (to eat, that is), Monarchs are poisonous due to the toxins contained in the milkweed leaves they consume as caterpillars.

332 Questions

Why do monarchs travel south in the fall and north in the spring?

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Monarchs travel south in the fall to avoid colder temperatures and seek out warmer climates for overwintering. In the spring, they journey north to find milkweed, which is the food source for their caterpillars, and to reach their breeding grounds.

How do monarch butterflies find the swan plants?

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Monarch butterflies use their keen sense of smell to detect chemicals emitted by the swan plants. These chemicals act as attractants and help guide the butterflies to the plants where they can lay their eggs. Additionally, monarch butterflies have a natural instinct to search for specific host plants like swan plants for egg-laying.

How do monarch butterflies survive in a warm environment?

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Monarch butterflies can survive in a warm environment by seeking out shade, resting during the hottest parts of the day, and staying hydrated by drinking from available water sources. They also have specialized body mechanisms that help regulate their body temperature and prevent overheating.

Will global warming have an affect on the monarch butterflies?

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Yes, global warming can impact monarch butterflies by altering their habitats, disrupting their migration patterns, and affecting the availability of milkweed, which is essential to their survival. Climate change can also increase the frequency of extreme weather events that can harm butterfly populations.

What plants other than Milkweed do monarch butterflies live on?

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Asked by LoryLoo

Monarch butterflies also rely on nectar-rich plants such as butterfly bush, zinnias, coneflowers, and black-eyed Susans for feeding. These plants provide the necessary nectar for adult monarch butterflies to fuel their long migrations and reproduce. It is important to have a variety of nectar plants available in gardens or habitats to support monarch butterflies throughout their life cycle.

What are the advantages of living where monarch butterflies live?

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Well just the whole advantage of waking up the beautiful living creatures. Also if u have a science prodject about monarch butterflies problem solved! Theres no other way to study butterflies , then ovserving them personally!!!!!!!!!!

- Anabelliana

( Im on zwinky please add me my gamer tag is anabelliana)

What does it mean when a monarch butterflies lands on your hand?

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There is no scientific data for what it means when a monarch butterfly lands on your hand. Some people believe it means you are going to experience good luck. The monarch is the most widely recognized butterfly in North America.

What is the feminine of monarch?

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Queen or Empress

How do monarch butterflies camouflage?

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Butterflies use camouflage as an effective survival strategy. Butterflies that might find tasty are well camouflaged or just drab. Some develop spots to frighten or distract predators,like birds, Some have, "eye spots" on their wings that look like eyes of a larger animal. Some species have bright spots near the tail that draw the predator's attention away from the head. Many butterflies have chunks missing from their hind wings. Which made the predator avoid attacking the botterflies head, which would be fatal. They can still fly.Brightly colored butterflies are either poisonous--or mimics of a poisonous butterfly. Butterflies that birds might find tasty are well camouflged or just drab to blend in when they are resting on a tree trunk or rocky ground.

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Is a caterpillar the baby of a butterfly?

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No, caterpillars hatch from tiny eggs that the moth or butterfly has laid. If you have a caterpillar in captivity and suddenly lots of babies appear, these come from eggs on the cabbage or whatever that the caterpillar has been feeding on.

A:I caught about 29 caterpillars from my cauliflowers and within about 8 days, about 9 caterpillars had lots of incy-wincy baby caterpillars like 25 per caterpillar. So I looked on the Internet and many sites say that caterpillars are babies so how would they have babies?

But then I found other sites and pictures on google images called caterpillar babies on page 2 and they look similar to my caterpillar however they are supposed to die not long after the babies hatch and that's what mine have done. So in my opinion yes caterpillars do have babies and then they wrap them up in a silky webs. They hatch and parent dies.

Do monarch butterflies live in Australia?

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Monarch butterflies have been introduced to Australia and New Zealand and Hawaii. They appear occasionally on the east side of the Atlantic, thought to be transported across the ocean.

Species outside of the US do not appear to migrate. A few subspecies have been identified in the US that do not migrate.

That vast majority of Monarchs (hundreds of millions) migrate to a forest outside of Mexico City each winter.

What is the host plant for Monarch butterflies?

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monarchs lay their eggs on many plants such as milkweed and swan plants

How many babies do a monarch butterfly?

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monarch butterfly do not have babies . after the nymph open it will be the adults butterfly

How does a monarch butterfly learn how to fly?

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they dont get along with other species just like any other butterflies

How do monarch butterflies have babies?

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butterfly fish reproduce by laying eggs in the sea

What are the monarch butterflies closes relatives?

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Monarch butterflies are large, black and orange in color with white spots. Monarch butterflies closest relatives are the milkweed butterflies.

Why do Monarch Butterflies only live for 14 days?

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Monarchs live from two to six weeks as an adult. The true key to a monarchâ??s life cycle is the migration pattern. Some butterflies born in September to October live 6 â?? 8 months throughout Mexico or Southern California.