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The masses of protons and neutrons are on the order of 1x10-27 kg. The mass of an electron is on the order of 1x10-30 kg. So protons and neutrons, the particles found in a nucleus, weigh around 1000 times as much as the electrons outside the nucleus. So take helium-4 for example: 2 protons, 2 neutrons, and 2 electrons. Its nucleus is around 2000 times more massive than its two electrons. The term "concentrated" is also worth noting. Atoms are much, much, much bigger than their nuclei. A good analogy I often use for this is that if you put a penny in the middle of Giant's stadium, the atom would be the size of the stadium and the penny would be the size of a nucleus. A more specific example would be that the nucleus of a carbon atom has a radius of around 2x10-15 m, and the radius of a carbon atom is around 8x10-11 m. So the nucleus is 40,000 times smaller than the atom.

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15y ago
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2w ago

Scientists say that most of the mass of an atom is located in the nucleus because the nucleus contains protons and neutrons, which are much heavier than electrons. Protons and neutrons have a mass around 1836 times greater than that of electrons, so their presence in the nucleus contributes significantly to the overall mass of the atom.

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11y ago

Quite simply because the nucleus of an atom consists of two particles, positively charged protons and neutral neutrons. Each is nearly about 1850 X as heavy as an electron. T

The atom is surrounded by a swarm of tiny negatively-charged particles called Electrons, but although there are a great number of these, their collective mass is still nowhere near that of the atom's nucleus.

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15y ago

Because electrons are found orbitting the nucleus andare alot smaller then neutrons and protons, which make up the nucleus.

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14y ago

because an electrons mass is so minute compared to protons and neutrons that the mass is said to be contained in the nucleus

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13y ago

Because the protons and neutrons make up the mass and they are both in the nucleus

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Q: Why do scientists say that mostt of the mass of an atom is located in the nucleus?
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