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The main reason is that growth is compounded. As a result the size of the economy increases exponentially and with compound exponential growth even a small difference can add up to a large difference over time.

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Q: Why do small differences in the rate of economic growth produce large differences in the size of the economy over time?
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Types of economic growth: There are two types of economic growth: 1.Balanced Economic Growth 2.Un-balanced Economic Growth 1.Balanced Economic Growth: All the economic sectors are growing at same ratio or percentage,this growth is known as balanced economic growth. 2.Un-balanced Economic Growth: When some sectors of the economy are growing faster than others,and their rate of growth is different to each other,this growth is known as un-balanced economic growth.

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Economic growth can be measured in nominal terms, which include inflation. The growth of an economy is thought of not only as an increase in productive.