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because they are made to bounce

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Q: Why do small rubber bouncy balls bounce higher than other balls?
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Related questions

Which ball bounces higher a bouncy ball or a basketball?

small bouncy balls will bounce higher

By are balls bouncy?

Because rubber is bouncy!!!! and bouncy balls are made out of rubber.

Why do smaller bouncy balls bounce higher than larger bouncy balls?

Because the contrast of the balls' size as opposed to the surface it bounces off of.

Why do glass balls bounce higher than rubber balls?

They don't.

Why do your heavy and light balls not bounce higher than your bouncy ball?

because light ball have more air in them so they bounce higher

Does heating a rubber ball cause it to bounce higher?

There is no doubt any rubber ball will have an optimum "bounce" temperature and it is unlikely this is room temperature. it could in fact be cooler. It is well known squash balls are warmed up before being used, so it is likely warming bouncy balls up will make them bounce more.

Why were bouncy balls made?

To bounce...

What would be a good conclution for a project what ball will bounce higher?

i learned that golf balls have a little bit of weight, less than a bouncy ball witch makes them bounce higher.

Do bigger balls bounce higher than small balls?

small balls will bounce higher because they have closer particles

Who has collected the most bouncy balls?

Jonathan rendson he has 167,345,895,634 balls and 1,295,673,678 rubber ducks

How do tennis balls bounce?

They are hollow rubber balls. Hope this helps!

Why balls bounce why not dogs?

Because balls are made of rubber, and dogs are not.