

Why do small wounds stop bleeding after a certain time?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Because blood has clotting factors- these clotting factors help to prevent further bleeding

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Q: Why do small wounds stop bleeding after a certain time?
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Skin cells, I think. Hemophilia is when you can't heal outside wounds so I'm pretty sure it's skin. The person lacks certain protein for clotting factors. Platelets are used to clot the blood and make a person stop bleeding. Bleeding can occur internally as well as externally.

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What helps a small wound to stop bleeding?

Pressure hold a tissue on it tight

What action sould be taken when bleeding will not stop from small cut?

put a bandied on top of it

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For minor wounds the best method is direct pressure. This can be applied by simply pressing a cloth to the wound, or by applying a tight (but not too tight) bandage.

How are moss medicine?

Irish moss and sphagnum moss have been used medicinally. The most common use of moss is as a dressing for wounds. It has been used to stop bleeding in field wounds during wars in Scotland and in the Civil War in the United States.