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the snail has gone into semi hibernation because it is to hot or to cold or lack of food

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11y ago

to protect them and to not slide out there shells

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Q: What happens when it gets white inside a snail's shell?
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What does a snail look like pregnant?

Snails look no different when they are about to lay their ova than when they are not. Everything is inside the shell.

What happens when white vinegar is added to a crushed shell?

99 % of the shell is dissolved.

What happens to an egg in vinegar and bleach over 24 hours?

The shell will become delicate and crack. Over 4 days the cracks will grow and expose the inside. The inside will be not white but a deep orange colour. Eeeeew

How can you tell a boy snail or a girl snail?

Some snails have a shell that you can see through. The male has a white organ that the females don't have.

What happens to a turtle when it shell turns a little white?

it will cold

What happens to the eggshell after soaking an egg in water?

It gets all soft and squishy, and gets watery on the inside. It is also easy to peel the white layer of the shell after a while.

Where do the yolk and the egg white go?

inside of the shell of an egg! -venize- from:philipines

What do rib-top snails look like?

They have a ribbed spiral shell with a fat bottom and a shallow peak. The shell is usually grey, black and white. The animal itself looks like an ordinary snail.

What part of the Leghorn Chicken's egg is white?

The multilayer hard shell of the egg of a White Leghorn chicken is white. The inside is the same color as every other chicken's egg. The shell is white because the Leghorn does not have the color genes to have blue shells or brown applied to the outer shell layers.

What is the middle of an egg called?

The membranes that line the inside of the shell are the inner membrane and the outer membrane. While the membrane surrounding the yolk is called the Vitelline membrane the two on the inside of the shell are not specifically named.

What happens when you put a rock inside white vinegar?

It esplodes

What happens to the yolk inside the egg in vinegar?

the yolk will get white and it will bounce