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Because GOD giving them wisdom and revelation. In Jeremiah33:3....GOD BLESS!

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Q: Why do so many people believe that the Trinity is real?
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Is the Trinity real?

A:For believers, the Trinity is very real. For others, the Trinity is not real. The underlying question is whether God exists.

How many people think ghost are real?

There are a lot of people that believe that ghosts are real. There also maybe people that believe in ghosts, but won't admit it.

Is atheism real?

Atheism exists; there are many people who believe there are no gods.

Is God as real as they say?

Many people believe he is real, many do not. At the end of the day, it comes down to religious belief.

Do ghost exsits and why do people believe in them if they dont?

There are many different beliefs on if ghosts are real or not real. People do believe in ghosts, whether or not they are real. There has never been any scientific study that has verified the existence of ghosts.

Is the Easter bunny real for people who believe in it?

no the Easter bunny is not real even for people who believe in it. sorry

Is magic a real thing?

The answer to this question is a matter of what you believe. It is my opinion that magic is real. However, many forms of science, religion, and people who are afraid and do not understand it do not want you to believe that magic is real.

Is Santa' reindeer real?

Yes, Santa's reindeers are real if you believe Santa is real! Many people believe Santa is real, but if Santa is real then his reindeers are real! What would the reindeers do if Santa wasn't real, there's no bother for them then!

How many people do not believe in the Loch Ness Monster?

there are a lot of people who believe in the Loch Ness Monster, and it can not be written in percentage.

How do you become a God in real life?

You cannot become a God in real life!Many people do not believe in the existence of God and so, in their eyes, it is not something that anyone can become. People who do believe in a God believe that God is beyond real life and so, even for them, it is not possible for you to become one.

Do people really believe there is no such thing as dinosaurs?

No many people believe that dinosaurs were real. And so they should dinosaurs have left fossils of their bones this proves their existence.

Why do some people believe in mermaids?

It depends on who they are. A young girl might believe that they are real, but after a certain age she should know that they aren't real and only make believe. Some people want to be removed from reality so they believe in things that aren't real. Mermaids, faerie's, vampires and aliens are just some of the things that people displace reality with. These people need help. So, there are many reasons why they would think mermaids are real.