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Sodium has 1 electron to "donate" and chlorine has space to "accept" 1 electron, so this electron transfer occurs and both have a stable octet electron configuration

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Q: Why do sodium and chloride ions bond together?
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What type of attractive force or bond holds the sodium ions and chloride ions together in a crystal of sodium chloride?

They are held together by an electrostatic force causing an ionic bond.

How are ions in a sodium chloride held together?

Between the ions Na+ and Cl- a strong ionic bond exist.

What holds ions together in sodium chloride?

This is a strong ionic bond.

What holds the ions in sodium chloride together?

The ions in sodium chloride are held together by ionic bonds. In this type of bond, the positive sodium ions are attracted to the negative chloride ions, creating a strong electrostatic force that keeps the ions together in a crystal lattice structure.

The attraction between sodium ions and chloride ions form what kind of bond?

Sodium chloride has an ionic bond.

Does NaCl remains bond together?

In water sodium chloride is dissociated in ions Na+ and Cl-.

What type of bond is contained within an ionic compound?

The bond is an ionic bond, an electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions. an example is NaCl which contains sodium ions, Na+, and chloride, Cl-, ions. The sodium chloride lattice is held together by electrostatic attraction between them.

How does a bond form between sodium and chlorine in sodium chloride?

Sodium atoms lose their single valence band electron becoming positive sodium ions. Chlorine atoms gain a single electron filling the empty space in their valence band becoming negative chloride ions. The oppositely charged ions attract each other electrostatically. The ions can readily form a solid cubic crystal held together by this electrostatic charge, but the ions freely disperse in water forming a solution of isolated sodium ions, isolated chloride ions, and water molecules.

What holds ions and sodium chloride together?

It is the electromagnetic force as it is expressed in what is called an ionic chemical bond that holds individual molecules of table salt (NaCl) together.

Is sodium chloride a mixture substance?

Sodium chloride, NaCl, is a compound, which is a pure substance. It is a compound because sodium ions and chloride ions chemically bond to each other to form the ionic compound NaCl.

The ionic bond of sodium chloride is formed when?

The ionic bond of sodium chloride is formed when chlorine gains an electron from sodium.

Orientation sodium ions and chloride ions?

Sodium ions have a positive charge and are attracted to the negative terminal of a battery or an electrical field, while chloride ions have a negative charge and are attracted to the positive terminal. This orientation is due to the electrostatic attraction between opposite charges. In a solution, sodium and chloride ions will be randomly distributed until an external electric field is applied, causing them to migrate towards their respective terminals.