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Solar eclipses occur when the moon moves in front of the sun, causing the suns light to be temporarily blocked. Since the sun is only visible from the Earth's surface during the day, this is the only time that a solar eclipse can occur.

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Q: Why do solar eclipses occur during the day?
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Do solar eclipses occur at night?

yes it can be night in America and day in India and at India there can be a solar eclipse happening :-)

What happens when lunar and solar eclipse occur together?

as the name implies, lunar eclipses are when the moon get in the sun's way during the day and things go dark for a short amount of time, whereas a solar eclipses is when the sun gets in the moons way, so i don't think both can occur simultaneously, unless you mean at different time of the day, if that's the case, then i believe nothing will happen, i heard you shouldn't look at the sun when a solar eclipse happens, it blinds you, it can damage your eyes too i heard

What is one way that a lunar exlipse and a solar eclipse are different?

Lunar eclipses are visible only at night, whereas you can only see a solar one during the day.

Why don't solar eclipses occur on all new moon day?

Solar eclipses always occur at the new moon because the sun, moon and earth are in alignment. However because the orbits of the earth and moon are not exactly aligned with each other there are new moons when the sun appears to be above or below the new moon as seen from the earth.

When can a solar eclipses occur?

As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun. This can happen only during a new moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth. In a total eclipse, the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon. In partial and annular eclipses only part of the Sun is obscured. At least two, and up to five, solar eclipses occur each year; no more than two can be total eclipses. Total solar eclipses are nevertheless rare at any particular location because totality exists only along a narrow path on the Earth's surface traced by the Moon's shadow orumbra.An eclipse is a natural phenomenon. Nevertheless, in ancient times, and in some cultures today, solar eclipses have been attributed to supernatural causes or regarded as bad omens. A total solar eclipse can be frightening to people who are unaware of their astronomical explanation, as the Sun seems to disappear during the day and the sky darkens in a matter of minutes.As it dangerous to look directly at the Sun, observers should use eye protection or indirect viewing techniques. Some people, sometimes referred to as "eclipse chasers" or "umbraphiles", will travel to remote locations to observe or witness a predicted central solar eclipse.The last total solar eclipse was on July 11, 2010; the next will be on November 13, 2012. The solar eclipses of 2011 were all partial eclipses; the last one occurred on November 25, 2011. The next solar eclipse will be an annular eclipse on May 20, 2012.

Related questions

Do solar eclipses occur at night?

yes it can be night in America and day in India and at India there can be a solar eclipse happening :-)

Why can you only see an eclipse at night?

Lunar eclipses can only be see at night. Solar eclipses are visible during the day.

What happens when lunar and solar eclipse occur together?

as the name implies, lunar eclipses are when the moon get in the sun's way during the day and things go dark for a short amount of time, whereas a solar eclipses is when the sun gets in the moons way, so i don't think both can occur simultaneously, unless you mean at different time of the day, if that's the case, then i believe nothing will happen, i heard you shouldn't look at the sun when a solar eclipse happens, it blinds you, it can damage your eyes too i heard

When do solar eclipes occur?

During the 100 years of the 20th Century, there were 228 solar eclipses and 229 lunar ones. So over the long term, you can figure on equal numbers, at the rate of around 7 of each every 3 years.

What is one way that a lunar exlipse and a solar eclipse are different?

Lunar eclipses are visible only at night, whereas you can only see a solar one during the day.

Why does solar eclipse form on new moon day?

Solar eclipses only occur on the same day as a New Moon because that's the only time the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun, which is necessary to create the eclipse

Why don't solar eclipses occur on all new moon day?

Solar eclipses always occur at the new moon because the sun, moon and earth are in alignment. However because the orbits of the earth and moon are not exactly aligned with each other there are new moons when the sun appears to be above or below the new moon as seen from the earth.

Why does lunar eclipse occur?

Lunar Eclipses occur when the moon is passing the sun and goes in front of it, making day like night until the moon has passed. They occur every 6 months followed by three partial eclipses. Don get them confused with Solar Eclipses!

When can a solar eclipses occur?

As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun. This can happen only during a new moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth. In a total eclipse, the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon. In partial and annular eclipses only part of the Sun is obscured. At least two, and up to five, solar eclipses occur each year; no more than two can be total eclipses. Total solar eclipses are nevertheless rare at any particular location because totality exists only along a narrow path on the Earth's surface traced by the Moon's shadow orumbra.An eclipse is a natural phenomenon. Nevertheless, in ancient times, and in some cultures today, solar eclipses have been attributed to supernatural causes or regarded as bad omens. A total solar eclipse can be frightening to people who are unaware of their astronomical explanation, as the Sun seems to disappear during the day and the sky darkens in a matter of minutes.As it dangerous to look directly at the Sun, observers should use eye protection or indirect viewing techniques. Some people, sometimes referred to as "eclipse chasers" or "umbraphiles", will travel to remote locations to observe or witness a predicted central solar eclipse.The last total solar eclipse was on July 11, 2010; the next will be on November 13, 2012. The solar eclipses of 2011 were all partial eclipses; the last one occurred on November 25, 2011. The next solar eclipse will be an annular eclipse on May 20, 2012.

On which day of the month New moon or full moon day can a solar eclipse occur?

Solar eclipse happens when shadow of moon falls on sun. Solar eclipse cannot happen on full moon day because on full moon day earth is in between Sun and Moon and hence moon cannot cast shadow on sun.

What are the solar and lunar eclipses?

Solar and Lunar eclipses only occur when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned. If the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, a solar eclipse occurs, and the moon will cast a shadow on the earth, causing day to suddenly turn dark in a matter of minutes. These are rare occurences. A Lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the Sun and Moon, and the effect is that the moon is not lit and doesn't appear in the sky. Hope this helps!

Why can you see the skeleton of hand in the light of solar eclipse?

I've been in the path of totality of three solar eclipses, and never witnessed that phenomenon. Personally, I think someone has handed you a line. The light during a solar eclipse is no different from the sun's light every day.