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because they do.

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Q: Why do some areas have more acid rain than other places?
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Explain why the lake resists changes in pH caused by acid rain?

Many lakes contain silt and other materials in suspension that naturally neutralize or buffer the impacts of acid rain. These components are more frequently encountered in lakes in areas of sedimentary soils, In northern areas (such as the Canadian shield) the waters are generally free of neutralizing materials and the acid rain impacts are more severe

Does tsnamis occur in some places than other?

Tsunamis can occur in more places than others because of their location. Usually, areas which see many underwater earthquakes are more prone to have tsunamis. The west coast and Hawaii are two places where tsunamis can take place.

Does acid rain occur in the desert?

To have acid rain, you first have to have rain. And deserts are kind famous for not having much rain. So yeah, it CAN happen. But places with more rain will get more acid rain.

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The sun warms the whole Earth, more in some places like the equatorial areas; less in some places like the polar areas.

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Marshy areas are good places for mosquitoes to breed. Mosquito being the vector for malaria.

What is concentrated acid?

Concentrated acid is the form of the acid which has more acid per ml than the diluted form. It is basically just a way to say that it has more acid per unit volume than other solutions of the same acid.

Poke walker how to get other areas to walk in?

to get more areas to walk in you need to use the pokewalker alot so you can collect more wats.the more watts you collect the more places you go because before each walk it tells you how many more watts you need until you can get a new area to walk through.HAPPY WALKING, RUNNING OR CYCLING

What was the price of Gasoline in Canada in 2007?

Canada is a large country, 10 million sq/kms. In some areas fuel must be flown in, other areas make gasoline. In most places fuel was about $1 a liter in others much more.

Why are some places on the earth crowded and other places empty?

because some places have more things than other places! like the US compared to AFRICA!

How will water pollution affect the water cycle system?

Pollution - More emmisions- rain cycle is unstable and places get more rain or not enough rain. There will be flooded areas and also areas where there are droughts.

What is more worst. concentrated acid or dilute acid or acid?

Concentrated acid is generally more harmful than dilute acid. This is because concentrated acid contains a higher concentration of acid molecules, which can cause more severe burns or damage to tissues upon contact. Dilute acid, on the other hand, has a lower concentration of acid molecules and is therefore less harmful. Acid, as a general term, can encompass both concentrated and dilute forms and its harmfulness would depend on its concentration.

Is it a lot of money to live in Scotland?

No, but like most places, some areas are more expensive than others.