

Why do some bats have large ears?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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Bats that echolocate often have enormous ears to help them hear the echoes of their own clicks.

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Q: Why do some bats have large ears?
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Not all bats have small ears. In fact, many have quite large ears. The spotted bat and Townsend's bat (just to name a few) have ears that touch the middle of the back when laid flat. These bats can also roll their ears to help protect them from the cold or during periods of rest.

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Yes, moths can hear. Some moths can use ultrasonic waves similar to bats. Some larger varieties actually have large ears on their abdomens.

Why do bats have large ears?

Because they mostly fly at night. They use echolocation to find obstacles and prey. They use those big ears in the echolocation.

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Not all rodents have long ears, or large hind legs. However, there are some that do. An example is the jerboa, a small desert rodent that hops on its long hind legs. It also has very large ears.

What is grey with large ears?

Elephants, Texas jackrabbits, some donkeys.

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its not about what ethnicity because there is no particular one that has large ears. But people have them due to heredity and genetic for large ears

Do penguins have large ears?

no they dont even have ears

Hi i was wondering can you get donkeys with floppy ears that hang instead of sticking up?

Yes, there are some very large donkeys in the Poitou region of France with very large ears. The ears in some individuals do flop over, and resemble those of the famous donkey Eeyore. Donkey ears, like other animal ears, are made of cartilage. If this gets damaged, the ears may not stand up straight any longer, but instead will drop.

Which animals have ears that has more than one use?

Some bats use their ears to have sonar vison which lets them move in the dark without using their eyes.

When was Ears Like Golden Bats created?

Ears Like Golden Bats was created on 2007-02-20.

What are some cute cat feautures?

Large eyes, fluffy body, large ears, small nose and mouth. Are some expamples of cute features on cats.

What is the Gaelic word for ear or ears or large ears?

cluas is an ear, cluas mor is a large ear